Year 5 Reading challenge Spring 1

Hi Year 5,

This half term  we have been learning about the Victorians in topic.  We would like you to use your inference skills to interpret some pictures of Queen Victoria. Some of you will also need to complete a researching task as part of your reading challenge. ALL RESEARCH MUST BE WRITTEN IN YOUR OWN WORDS! Answer the questions in full and present your information in full sentences.

A starting point for your research:

Firstly, look at these pictures of Queen Victoria:

Autumn 2 Reading Challenge

BRONZE: What can you tell me about Queen Victoria from looking at these images? Look for some other images of her on the internet. What else can you work out about her? What was she like as a Queen?

SILVER: Are these primary or secondary sources of information? What do they tell you about Queen Victoria? Do some additional research into Queen Victoria. What kind of Queen was she? Does this support or disprove what you originally thought from looking at the pictures?

GOLD: Are these pictures primary or secondary sources of information? Does this make them more or less reliable? Why? What kind of Queen was she? Find some more information on Queen Victoria. Does this support or disprove what you originally thought from looking at the pictures? In what way?

Send your work to this sharepoint please:  link

49 responses to “Year 5 Reading challenge Spring 1”

  1. Israa F.

    In these pictures Queen Victoria does not smile she looks deep depression and sad since her husband Prince Albert died in 1761 she worn black dresses. Has being a Queen in 1871 she wore a crown to show people she is the queen in these picture taken in 1882. Queen Victoria was a richest women in the world and she had lot of jewellery and crowns what she wore. In 1837 she was Queen Victoria of the united kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland from june 1837.

  2. Muhammad J.

    I can see that queen Victoria is strict
    I see that shes quiet rich
    I see shes always trying to be fashion
    I can see she has not that long hair
    She looks quiet angry in the picture
    She though the camera was dumb

  3. Esa M.

    I have done my reading challenge.

  4. Aayan M.

    GOLD: Are these pictures primary or secondary sources of information?
    I think these pictures are primary sources of information.
    Does this make them more or less reliable? Why?
    I think this makes them more reliable because it gives us raw information.
    What kind of Queen was she?
    I think she was a smart, caring queen who wanted to always help her people.
    Find some more information on Queen Victoria.
    She wore black for the rest of her life after her husband died to show her depression and sadness of her loss.
    Does this support or disprove what you originally thought from looking at the pictures?
    It supports my original thoughts from the pictures.

    1. Mrs Khan

      Good try Ayaan. What evidence from the text told you she was a smart and caring queen?

  5. Abdulasiis M.

    I can tell she is strict.
    I looked at her pictures and she is not allowed to smile.She had strict polceys if you commit a crime she will chop youre head of.

  6. Nihit N.

    I have done my work and uploaded it to the SharePoint.

  7. Japji K.

    1. These 2 pictures are primary sources because there only a pictures.
    2. I think she looks rich and young by the way she looks.
    3. Queen Victoria was queen of the United Kingdom.
    4. This support what I originally thinking from looking at the pictures.

  8. Aisha R.

    I have sent my work on the sharepoint

  9. Safa K.

    I can infer that from these pictures that queen Victoria was very rich and she did not smile often. She also looks angry and annoyed.I think that as a queen she would be very harsh and and was liked by very few amount of people.

  10. Simin W.

    I have done the reading challenge.

  11. Mahmuda C.

    As you can see queen victoria is not happy in the picture she id verry sad since her husband albet died she wore black for the rest of her life
    and these pictures looks verry old and Victorian and she looks verry young.not that much people liked her because she id not verry kind.

  12. Sadeen S.

    I have sent my work.

  13. Zakariya K.

    I think these are primary sources because it was taken at that time. By looking at these pictures she looks stern and miserable and she looks quite young. She was a constitutional monarch. She became a national icon who was also strict. I does support what I originally thought of her because when I looked at the pictures I thought she was strict.

    1. Mrs Khan

      Zakariya, please try and complete some of your homework in your book as this will help with your handwriting.

  14. Zainab A.

    1.What can you tell me about Queen Victoria from looking at these images?
    I can see she is wearing a crown which shows she is the queen.
    She looks young.
    She is wearing lots of jewellery around her neck.
    She does not smile in pictures
    2. What else can you work out about her?
    She became the Empress of India in 1877
    She married her cousin Prince Albert
    She got married at the age of 20
    She got married in 1840
    Her real name is Alexandrian Victoria
    3.What was she like as a Queen?
    She was acting like a mother and a father
    She was attached to her children so she can save them from any disease.

    1. Mrs Khan

      Zainab, can you tell me at what age she became Queen and how long did she reign for?

      1. Zainab A.

        She became queen at the age of 18

  15. Shahzaib M.

    and she looks realy rude and angry

  16. Shahzaib M.

    What I can see is that she doesn’t like smiling.
    She is defonatly rich
    She looks tough
    She looks very very vicious

    She didn’t support looking at photos she thought they were dumb

  17. Kai D.

    What I can see is that she doesn’t like smiling.
    She is defonatly rich
    She looks tough
    She looks very very vicious

    She didn’t support looking at photos she thought they were dumb

  18. Suraiyah A.

    From the picture I can infer that queen Victoria looks very rude and angry she also is harsh, judgmental and controlling. Queen Victoria was crowned Queen on the 28th of June 1838 and born on May 24th 1819 Kensington palace and sadly died on January 22 1901. She has three children: Alice, Edward VII and William II. Her husband’s name was Albert, Prince Consort.

  19. Sadiq A.

    1. in the image queen Victoria is upset that albert could, nt propose to her
    2. she was the first Vctorian queen
    3. she wore black when albert died for the rest of her life
    4. she was sad as a queen because of albert

  20. Sadiq A.

    where is the sharepoint pleas miss

  21. Bilal H.

    Primary sources provide raw information and first-hand evidence. Examples include interview transcripts, statistical data, and works of art. … Secondary sources provide second-hand information and commentary from other researchers. Examples include journal article, reviews, and academic books.Victoria was Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland from 20 June 1837 until her death in 1901. Known as the Victorian era, her reign of 63 years and seven months was longer than any previous British monarch.
    A headstrong head of state

    Queen Victoria restored the reputation of a monarchy tarnished by the extravagance of her royal uncles. She also shaped a new role for the Royal Family, reconnecting it with the public through civic duties. At just 4ft 11in tall, Victoria was a towering presence as a symbol of her Empire.
    It supports me a bit.

    1. Mrs Masters

      Bilal, thank you for completing it. Please can you write using your best handwriting in your homework book and send it via the SharePoint link. This means you will learn what you have written and you will be practicing your handwriting.

  22. Israa F.

    1. What can you tell me about Queen Victoria from looking at these images? I can tell of the images that Queen Victoria look loomey and dark because she wearing all black so that means Prince Albret has died.

    2. What do they tell you about Queen Victoria? She became the first known carrier of hemophilia, known as the “Royal disease.” Queen Victoria was the first in her family to carry hemophilia B, a blood clotting disorder, but the Queen herself was not a hemophiliac.

    Quick Fact about Queen Victora brith to death!! :)

    Victoria was Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland from 20 June 1837 until her death in 1901. Known as the Victorian era, her reign of 63 years and seven months was longer than any previous British monarch. Wikipedia

    Born: 24 May 1819, Kensington Palace, London

    Died: 22 January 1901, Osborne, East Cowes

    Height: 1.52 m

    Full name: Alexandrina Victoria

    Spouse: Albert, Prince Consort (m. 1840–1861)

    Children: Edward VII, Victoria, Princess Royal, MORE

    Parents: Princess Victoria of Saxe-Coburg-Saalfeld, Prince Edward, Duke of Kent and Strathea.

    3. What kind of Queen was she?
    Though a constitutional monarch, Victoria privately attempted to influence government policy and ministerial appointments; publicly, she became a national icon who was identified with strict standards of personal morality. Victoria married her first cousin Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha in 1840.

    Issue: Victoria, German Empress; Edward VII; .

    Born: Princess Alexandrina Victoria of Kent; 24 .

    Spouse: Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg and Got. Sliver work.

    5 Things you May Not Know about Queen Victoria 😱😨😱😨!!! So get ready….

    1. She was barely five feet tall.

    Queen Victoria’s outspoken nature and imposing reputation belied her tiny stature–the monarch was no more than five feet tall. In her later years, she also grew to an impressive girth. Some accounts claim she had a 50-inch waist by the end of her life, a conclusion supported by the impressive size of a nightgown and pair of bloomers (underwear) belonging to Victoria that were auctioned off in 2009.

    2. She proposed to her husband, Prince Albert, and not vice versa.

    Victoria first met her future husband, Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, when she was 16. He was her first cousin, the son of her mother’s brother; their mutual uncle, the ambitious Leopold, engineered the meeting with the idea that the two should marry. Victoria enjoyed Albert’s company from the beginning, and with Leopold’s encouragement she proposed to Albert (as she was the queen, he could not propose to her) on October 15, 1839, five days after he arrived at Windsor on a trip to the English court. They were married the following year. Their marriage was passionate — she wrote in her diary that “Without him everything loses its interest” — and produced nine children. On the other hand, Victoria was notoriously disenchanted by pregnancy and childbirth, calling it the “shadow-side of marriage.”

    3. She was raised by a single mother, and later became a single mother herself.

    Victoria was the only child of Edward, duke of Kent, the fourth son of King George III. Her father died of pneumonia in 1820, when Victoria was less than a year old, and she was raised primarily at Kensington Palace, where she lived with her mother, the German-born Victoria Saxe-Saalfield-Coburg, duchess of Kent. Third in line for the throne (after the duke of York, who died in 1827, and the duke of Clarence, third son of George III, who would become William IV), the future queen became estranged from her mother, who was driven by the influence of her advisor Sir John Conroy to isolate the young Victoria from her contemporaries as well as her father’s family. Instead, Victoria relied on the counsel of her beloved uncle Leopold, as well as her governess Louise (afterward the Baroness) Lehzen, a native of Coburg. When she became queen and moved to Buckingham Palace, Victoria exiled her mother to a distant set of apartments and fired Conroy. After Albert’s untimely death from typhoid fever in 1861, Victoria descended into depression, and even after her recovery she would remain in mourning for the rest of her life.

    4. Queen Victoria was the first known carrier of hemophilia, an affliction that would become known as the “Royal disease.”

    Hemophilia, a blood clotting disorder caused by a mutation on the X chromosome, can be passed along the maternal line within families; men are more likely to develop it, while women are usually carriers. Sufferers can bleed excessively, since their blood does not properly coagulate, leading to extreme pain and even death. Victoria’s son Leopold, Duke of Albany, died from blood loss after he slipped and fell; her grandson Friedrich bled to death at age 2, while two other grandsons, Leopold and Maurice, died of the affliction in their early 30s. As Victoria’s descendants married into royal families throughout the Europe, the disease spread from Britain to the nobility of Germany, Russia and Spain. Recent research involving DNA analysis on the bones of the last Russian royal family, the Romanovs (who were executed in 1918 after the Bolshevik Revolution) revealed that Victoria’s descendants suffered from a subtype of the disorder, hemophilia B, which is far less common than hemophilia A and now appears to be extinct in the European royal lines.

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    5. At least six serious assassination attempts were made against Victoria during her reign — most of which while she was riding in a carriage.

    In 1840, an 18-year-old named Edward Oxford fired two shots at the young queen’s carriage while she was riding in London. Accused of high treason, he was found not guilty by reason of insanity. Another would-be assassin, John Francis, made not one but two attempts to shoot the queen in her carriage in 1842. That same year, young John William Bean tried to fire a gun loaded with paper and tobacco at the queen, but the charge was insufficient. Two more carriage attacks came in 1849 and 1850–the first by “angry Irishman” William Hamilton and the second by ex-Army officer Robert Pate, who hit the queen with his cane. Finally, in March 1882, a disgruntled Scottish poet named Roderick Maclean shot at Victoria with a pistol while her carriage was leaving the Windsor train station. It was supposedly Maclean’s eighth attempt to assassinate the queen; he was also found to be insane, and sentenced to life in an asylum. In the wake of an assassination attempt, Victoria’s popularity usually soared among the British public.

    1. Mrs Masters

      Israa, It states in the challenge to write it in your own words.
      Please can you read your reply and summarise it in your own words.
      Thank you

      1. Israa F.

        Miss Master am I in trouble?
        And i don’t know what you mean when you reply to me.

  23. Osato O.

    Where is the SharePoint link for the reading challenge?

    1. Head Teacher


    2. Mrs Masters

      There is a link for you now Osato. Thank you

  24. Lawy A.

    There is not a SharePoint their
    But I am done I done bronze and silver.

    1. Mrs Masters

      The SharePoint is now available.
      Thank you and I look forward to seeing your work.
      Mrs Masters

  25. Ayaan B.

    Queen Victoria looked very serious and most of the time she is outside. I think she was very horrible as queen and everybody hated her.

  26. Aleena I.

    There’s no sharepoint

    1. Mrs Masters

      Aleena, There is now a sharepoint. Sorry for the confusion.

  27. Aleena I.

    I have completed Silver and Gold from the challenge

  28. Jasmine M.

    I have done the reading challenge and I will bring it in on Monday

  29. Azaan H.

    1)These 2 pictures are primary sources because there is only a pictures.
    2)By the 2 pictures I can tell that she is rich and young by the look of her.
    3)Queen Victoria was Queen of the United Kingdom ,Great Britain and Irelands form 20th of June 1837 until her death 22nd of January 1901.
    4) This support what I originally thinking from looking at the pictures.

    1. Mrs Khan

      Azaan, you need to answer these questions in your book with full sentences and please read your work. Number 4 does not make sense.

  30. Safah D.

    From the pictures I can infer that queen Victoria looks kind of angry and the posture she is sitting like makes me think she looks proud to be queen.

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