Poetry Week – November 2017

What did you think of poetry week?

24 responses to “Poetry Week – November 2017”

  1. Abdullah Omar


  2. Armaan Mahmood

    I had so much fun on Poetry week

  3. Zeynab (Hangatu) Aman

    I enjoy poetry week

  4. Fathiya Mohammed

    And sana

  5. Fathiya Mohammed

    I really really really really liked it, it was veryfun

  6. Sahrah Khan

    I really enjoyed poetry week.It was soo fun.

  7. Aisha Kauser

    I really enjoyed it!!!!!!!😃😊😄.

  8. Hanna Khan

    I have enjoyed poetry week and we learnt about different poems.

  9. Lillie Sanders

    It was amazing. I liked performing my poem, I did the parrot bit.

  10. Samira Daud Said

    i had so much fun

  11. Leila Dadkhah

    It was so fun because I got to write my own poem and performed it to the class and it was so exciting.

  12. Inaaya Khan

    I loved poetry week as we learnt some very nice poems and performed it to the whole year.Also I could have improved by not getting stage fright ;)

  13. Mrs Raja-Khan

    This is a great clip showcasing the enthusiasm with which the children developed their skills and staff encouraged the learning by being excellent role models.
    Well done everyone another fantastic week.

  14. Fatima Sheikh Naz

    What do i think about poetry week?

    I think poetry week was a very intresting and fun week where we all learnt about poems And different types of poem and features of a poem.We learned about different types of poets

    I think this week was the best along with the other weeks too👧👦

  15. Abdullah Omar

    We learnt about Michael Rosen.
    Michael Rosen was born in 1946 7 may he was an English children’s novelist and was an extraudinary poet . He wrote over 140 books in June 2007 and June 2009 .

    He was born in Harrow Middlsex when he was 17 he lived I’m a flat 30a bride street I was broght by my mum and dad

  16. Aliyah Hameed

    I thought poetry week was great because year 5 got to write their own poems.

  17. Safa Khan

    I enjoyed being a butterfly and listening to poems

  18. Aamina Bahar

    I learnt so much on poetry week and it was fun.

  19. Maleeha Memi

    It was a fantastic week!

    Thank You all staff!!!

  20. Nadia Mohamed

    In poetry Week we learnt about poems but the most interesting one was a poem by William Wordsworth. He was a great writer but not any writer he used to write about poems such as “I wandered Lonely as a cloud”. We learnt about him because we memorised the poem and we didn’t just do that we found out about their key features such as figurative language as similes, personification and metaphors.

    Facts about William Wordsworth
    When William Wordsworth was five his mother passed away and during that time his father was a lawyer but after a few years his father passed away too .He was despondent because he couldn’t talk about them as it made him cry .In 1802 he married a friendly women called Mary Hutchinson but his children died as his son drowned at a sea and his daughter died of mental breakdown. In 1803 he carried on with his life and forgot about the past but he went to Cambridge University to study about poems and whats the point, does it interest you to write more.William Wordsworth died 23 April 1850 at Grasmere Churchyard.

    I found poetry week the best and art week because we find interesting facts about someone we are learning about. Thank to all the teachers for their support to provide the learning.


  21. Romeesa Noor Tahir

    I really enjoyed it.

  22. Marwa Haji

    i’ve learnt about Guy Fauwks

  23. Lexi Smith

    Well done everyone for your effort. I really liked poetry week and I learned lots. Mrs Penevagas poem firework was based on onnommatopia

  24. Farhaan Khan

    It was really fun!

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