Don’t miss our latest newsletter!

We share all the exciting events that took place last term and give you a sneak peek of what’s coming up.


Question 1

Tell us why you chose Broad Heath School?

The school is in the catchment area and prior knowledge of the school.  Are pleased with expectations.

Question 2

  • 2a Consultation times
  • 2b Have you a child on the SEN register?
  • 2. The times were appreciated by working parents/carers.  Parents would like to see children’s books even though it is early on.
  • 2a. Only one parent who responded had a child on the SEN register and was happy.
  • 2b. No. Parents who responded were happy.

Question 3

Uniform-anything else we could stock. Are you pleased with it, Is the price reasonable?

All of the parents liked the uniform, but 10% of those who replied thought it was expensive.  Other items fleeces, PE tops and girls tights.

Question 4

Behaviour is very good.  How can we make sure good children are rewarded and poor ones dealt with?

Children could be rewarded with book/music tokens. Unacceptable behaviour excluded from special activities-which we already do.

Question 5

Do you come to school on project days? Why/why not?

Many responded they did not know when they took place and that they were invited.  Prior notice for those who work.

Question 6

We feel we should have more community involvement. What would you like us to do?

More external visitors into school from the community religious, elderly etc. Charity/fund raising days.

Question 7

What do you think about the school in terms of painting etc?

The school is very impressive.

Question 8

Do you think this school is fair and tries to make sure that everyone is treated equally?

A majority of parents/carers said yes. Three responses related to the young children wearing the hijab.

Question 9

Do you like the fact school tries to make sure Education and Religion are kept apart and treated equally?

Most parents agreed with keeping them apart.  Parents felt school was doing a good job in challenging times.

Question 10

Are you happy with the bullying policy at BH.  Have you any comments?

Parents liked the way school deals with bullying from what their children have told them regarding Friday assemblies.

Question 11

Children who are supported at home and school do well-Do you feel we are both doing a good job?

The parents are happy with the support in school for their children but feel they sometimes need more support with the homework.

Question 12

Do you feel that at BH we need clubs after school? Would you be willing to pay for an after school club?

Parents like the idea of clubs but would like them to be for longer.  However, the majority would not be willing to pay for this.

Question 13

Do you feel BH is a safe place for your child to be? Are there any safety issues you would like to raise?

They all felt Broad Heath was safe.  Comments were made about other parents not taking responsibility for their children.

Question 14

Is there anywhere you would like your child to go for the summer trip this year?

Ideas included Zoo, seaside, theme parks.

Question 15

Anything else you would like to say?

Parents are happy with the provision at the school.


A majority of parents feel the school is providing for their children’s needs.  They feel the children are learning and enjoy being part of the school team.

We need to involve parents in the project days by ensuring they are more aware of them.


Please complete the Coventry City Council parent questionnaire before Friday 1st February.

Coventry City Council parent questionnaire