Some of the lovely comments shared by you included:
- Teachers are supportive. They know my child well
- The school is a community and is very supportive
- The school has excellent facilities and our children get a lot of opportunities
- Staff show a lot of care to the children
- School is led well by Mr Andrews and his team
- My child’s additional needs are being very well supported
- School supports my child academically
- A fantastic school. My children love going. Thank you!
We are delighted with the responses received and the constructive feedback given and have been working hard on improving the areas highlighted yellow above.
Area 1: Parents would like to know more about what their children are learning
Our response:
- Update the curriculum content on the website (currently being done)
- Host curriculum meetings for each year group to share the learning for the year ahead (this is happening WB 23rd September – please check the dates on the newsletter and class blogs)
- have more information shared on class blogs – we will have important information pinned to the top of the blogs for each class to make it easier
- continue with two parents’ evenings per year and one report
- offer 2 further open afternoons for parents to come in to share in the learning with their children (to be planned for Aut 2 and Spring 2)
We hope all of the above continues to build on the great work the teachers and LSAs do to share information, and help build a great relationship with families
We will also continue with coffee mornings, parent workshops, Stay and Play sessions and specific meetings like SATs and RWI meetings – there’s plenty to share!
Area 2: Concerns raised are dealt with effectively
This was positive on the whole with only 5/198 families sharing concerns, but we still want to improve further
Our response:
- Continue to ensure teachers are available to speak to
- increase availability of the Pastoral Team
- Encourage more families to attend coffee mornings to share their views
- Support behaviour development – Mrs Donnelly is now Behaviour lead for school and Mr Inman and Mrs Rullay are Behaviour and Learning mentors who will support children
- Continue to provide family support – food parcels, early help,
- Ensure messages are passed on between staff effectively to assist children and families