Online Safety

Technology and the Internet can be fantastic – they can help our children to learn, to create amazing things, to communicate and to entertain themselves and each other. Our children are surrounded by this technology – it is part and parcel of their daily lives. 

Using technology and the Internet well is about using it safely and responsibly. Things can go wrong by accident or if behaviour isn’t sensible or respectful.  Our job is not to stop our young people from using technology but to ensure that they have the necessary knowledge, skills and understanding to successfully navigate themselves through the online world, so they become good digital citizens.

Broad Heath Verified

Click the Tick!

If you are concerned about the games that your child is playing, we have created a page that will help you make an informed decision about whether the game is suitable. 

Helpful Resources

1W STEAM Week!

1White are aspiring Engineers. They are tasked to designing and creating a castle with a…

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Useful Links

Guidance regarding the new Snapchat map feature.Guidance regarding TikTok
How to set parental controls and all the main devices and websitesFind out more about cyber bullying & prevention
Find out about cyber bullying, grooming, sharing personal informationA guide to internet safety and safe surfing.
Parental Guide: Tools and tips to keep online safeReport Online Terrorism

Child Exploitation Online Protection (CEOP) website is a police agency tackling child abuse on the internet.

Internet Watch Foundation website is the UK’s hotline for reporting illegal content found on the Internet

UK Safer Internet Centre – Need help? Gives help and advice about how to report online concerns such as cyberbullying, inappropriate content or illegal behaviour.

  • Year 4 Wellbeing Day

    What a fantastic day we have had. We have taken part in Active Maths, learnt about keeping ourselves safe online and made celebration cards. Online Safety In our online safety session, we discussed how our online and offline identity may differ. We looked at the positives of changing our identity online but also the risk…

  • Stay Safe Online – Oscar’s Adventures

    Children of all ages enjoy using technology. We now see young children going online to play games, talk to family, watch videos and even learn to use voice enabled tech like Alexa and Siri to find out about their world. As amazing as the internet is, it is important to keep safe online. Read about…

  • 1W STEAM Week!

    1White are aspiring Engineers. They are tasked to designing and creating a castle with a drawbridge. The children will also write a non-chronological report on Castles and enjoy a range of learning opportunities. Please enjoy the videos/ pictures below. Monday The children enjoyed testing materials to see which will be suitable for a drawbridge. They…

  • STEAM Week in 4 White

    What a fantastic week of learning we have had in 4 White. We have created our own earthquake proof buildings, learned about staying safe online and created some fantastic Frida Kahlo inspired art. What was you favourite activity? Why? What is scamming and phishing online? What facts did you learn about Frida Kahlo?

  • 3W Safer Internet Day 2025

    We only had a morning to celebrate Safer Internet Day, but wow did we have fun! Have a look at the pictures below to see some of the brilliant learning! The childrenlearnt about and discussed what phishing was. They then made posters on how to protect people against being ‘caught’ out! They then learnt how…

  • Staying safe online – Online safety day in RW.

    Today we have been learning about how to stay online. Share the story below with your family at home and think about how to stay safe when you are online.

  • Year 5 Well-being Day

    What a great day! Today, the children have worked hard to make patatas bravas, learned how to stay safe online and played games as teams. They’ve also developed their knowledge of negative numbers. Look at our photos to see what we’ve been doing.

  • Stay Safe Online – DigiDuck’s BIG Decision

    Children of all ages enjoy using technology. We now see young children going online to play games, talk to family, watch videos and even learn to use voice enabled tech like Alexa and Siri to find out about their world. As amazing as the internet is, it is important to keep safe online. Read about…

  • Year 4 Wellbeing Day

    What a fantastic wellbeing day we have had in year 4! We took part in a range of activities including football, Active Maths, Online Safety and more. We used a number of school values and also learnt new skills. Board Games Football Making Friendship Bracelets We used our fine motor skills to create a friendship…

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