Mutual Respect and Tolerance

At BH we expect everyone to be a good citizen. This meams we are respectful and tolerant of people who look different, do different things to us and eat different things etc etc. We make sure we do not name call and have kind feet, hands and mouths.

How would you welcome a newcomer to BH that was not from your culture or indeed believed in the same things as you?

59 responses to “Mutual Respect and Tolerance”

  1. Afreen S.

    No matter there belief or if they believe it doesn’t matter as BH will support everyone and work to gain I would show them around the school

  2. Afreen S.

    No matter there belief or if they believe it doesn’t matter as BH will support everyone and work to gain I would show them around the school and answer any questions or concerns they have .

  3. Lawy A.

    No matter were they came from you should always give everyone a nice warm welcome and greet them.

  4. Nihit N.

    It really wouldn’t make a difference who they were, I just would warmly welcome them to our class.

  5. Sumayyah A.

    I would welcome them and say Welcome to Broad Heath! And show them around and if they had any questions they were concerned about I would answer them

  6. Mrs Shergill (1B)

    In 1 Blue, we had these responses,

    Miracle- You respect everyone with kindness.
    Samuel- Be kind to everyone everyday and respect everything around you.
    Aiyla- Be kind and always have kind hands and words.
    Dyrai- Look after everyone in your class.
    Maryam- You respect everyone.

  7. Mrs Khaliq

    In 4 White we discussed how people are different and unique. Some people come from different countries, believe in different religions and look different. This is makes us special. This class agreed is by knowing others from different backgrounds helps us learn.
    If 4 White we would welcome the child to the school and make sure they had someone to play with. We would also want to learn about their culture and where they are from. This is what make BH special.

  8. Mr Rawlings

    Here are some of 1 Red’s ideas;
    Rishan – I would show them Broad Heath Values like kindness and respect.
    Rabia – We could play with the new person even though they are different.
    Hussain – It doesn’t if they are different or not, we should still play with them.
    Martyna – It is important to let them play with you as they don’t know anybody else.

  9. Miss Redhead

    In 3 White we would welcome them by being kind to them. We would try to learn things about them to make them feel welcome. At BH we respect all cultures and religions. We would ask and learn about their culture so we can make sure we include their celebrations in our environment. We would show them around and make sure they knew where things were. We would make sure they felt safe. We would introduce ourselves and other people to them. Alya would make them laugh. We would be good role models in telling them and showing them the BH way and rules.

  10. Yusuf A.

    We must be kind to people so that they feel welcome at Broad Heath

  11. Liliana S.

    I would show them around the school 🏫 and the pool 🏊‍♂️ because it is nose and kind to be that not shy

  12. Waniya Z.

    l would yse my kind mouth my kind feet and my kind hands

  13. Hudaa M.

    I would let them play with me. If they are hurt I will help them up . I will show them around the school.

  14. Zakir F.

    If a new school member came to our school I would welcome them and keep them company also I could show them around the school 🏫.I would tell them the BH values so they will Practice and be citizen of the week

  15. Khadeeja M.

    I would welcome a pupil to BH by greeting them and showing them around the school being kind with them and playing with them.

    1. Khadeeja M.

      Maryam and khadeeja

  16. Mustafa A.

    How I would welcome a new student is by saying welcome to BH is and ask if they want to be friends.

  17. Zaeem J.

    I would welcome a person by making them feel good and not judge how they are.

  18. Mrs Latham

    It is important to not judge others – we are all human after all! We are all different in our own ways. At BH, we celebrate individuality.

    We discussed how we would welcome anyone to BH in the same way – whatever their culture, be it our own or different.

    – 5 White.

  19. Sara K.

    By being helpful and kind

  20. Shahzad S.

    I would welcome a new person to our school by welcoming them by making them comfortable around me and not anxious nor scared, i would respect their culture and could learn more about him and his culture furthermore i would be kind to him and him when he in a situation he it not very comfortable in.

  21. Manvi R.

    I would welcome them by being kinf

    1. Manvi R.

      By being kind and showing respect to them.

  22. Surinder J.

    I would make him/her very welcome and confident.
    I would also introduce the teachers and everyone to him/her.

  23. Kaif B.

    I will welcome him/her warmly and make them feel comfortable
    I will hep them whenever needed.

  24. Israa F.

    How would you welcome a newcomer to BH that was not from your culture or indeed believed in the same things as you?

    I would show them around the school then ask them if they would like too be friends with me. Its doesn’t matter if they not the same culture as me, what’s matter is that they will fit in as a broad heath pupil.

  25. Samik S.

    When welcoming a visitor we must greet them kindly and show them around the school. It is also our job to make sure they know what our values and rules are. We must be kind to them so they can feel welcomed in broadheath.

  26. Kamil N.

    I would welcome him/her by becoming friends with them and if they don’t like being friends with you then accept their choices and don’t be friends with them.

  27. Najma O.

    I would be kind and not be rude as it is not kind and I will be respectful and show them around the place .

  28. Tipian I.

    I will first say welcome to Broad Heath I hope you feel comfortable and ok .I will show her a bit of the school e.g. playground , classrom etc.

  29. Mohammed S.

    I would play with them because background and religion does not matter and a person is a person.

  30. Inaaya S.

    I will welcome them and give them a look around the school.

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