Mutual Respect

Mutual Respect – There are many different events people choose to celebrate. Some events might celebrate our beliefs, things that are important to us or our achievements. Not everybody celebrates the same things, and we respect that.

Christians this year have just started the fasting season of Lent which began on March 2nd and will end on April 14th. How is this similar to Ramadan?

60 responses to “Mutual Respect”

  1. Arifa H.

    Mutual respect is like how the poor people feel without food and is very similar to Ramadan

  2. Yunus H.

    Mutual respect is about everyone being valued for who they are and what they bring to the table it Involves seeing people’s contributions

  3. Zakariah D.

    This is similar to Ramadan because you have to fast for a certain amount of time.

  4. Kamil N.

    It’s similar to Radaman because we both fast

  5. Safa K.

    This is similar to Ramadan because we fast for 30 days and when the thirty days are finished we have a celebration called eid.

  6. Rahat A.

    The reason why it’s similar as Ramadan and Lent both last for a period of time (1 month to be precise) and that Ramadan starts a few days later after the beginning of Lent.
    They also start on the same month but different day.
    So Ramadan isolates food until a certain time, but Lent makes sure that they have a little bit of food before the big feast.

  7. Afreen S.

    The in Ramadan. you have to fast to sunrise to sunset then you can have a feast and when you fast for 30 days then it is eid

  8. Lawy A.

    Are we allowed to fast in school ?

    This is the same as Ramadan because in Muslim relegions it starts at 2nd April and ends in 1st of May or 2nd May you can’t eat until 8:30 8:00 7:00 7:30 9:00

    1. Head Teacher

      Please read the fasting policy.

  9. Amanah S.

    This is similar to Ramadan because Ramadan is a month when we fast in between 2 prayers

  10. Brooke M.

    Lent is like Ramadan because you have to fast for a certain time period.

  11. Serina I.

    This is similar because we both fast for a period of time

  12. Jasmine M.

    Ramadan is similar to Lent because Ramadan it is an event where Muslims fast

  13. Muhammed A.

    It is similar to Ramadan because you don’t eat food and fast. You also need to fast for a similar time.

  14. Muhammed A.

    This is similar with Ramadan because they both fast for a period of time. During fasting we celebrate with family and friends. However after Ramadan we have a celebration call Eid.

  15. Raees A.

    This is similar because Muslims eat late on Ramadan and Eid some people which are Muslims they sometimes eat late and when it’s Ramadan they pray in the Mosque and at home and then they eat.

  16. Aayan S.

    This is similar as in Ramadan we do not eat food until a certain time and then we celebrate Eid. Some Christians or other religions could fast such as Hinduism when they fast.

  17. Safah D.

    Lent is similar to Ramadan as, then fast for a variety of days like us!

  18. Aysha R.

    This is similar to Ramadan because we can’t eat to sunrise to sunset this is precific time so does the Christians they also have a precific time .

  19. Yusuf S.

    This is silmiar to Ramadan because They are fasting for aperiod of time for lent Muslims fasting 😁😍😇🍉🥞

  20. Safa M.

    1. In Ramadan Muslims fast just like christians

  21. Yasmin A.

    It is about fasting and praying

  22. Yasmin A.

    On Ramadan we fast❤️

  23. Luxor A.

    This is similar because for Muslims we don’t eat food until the night and than we celebrate eid.

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