
Maths Week in Reception Blue

This week our focus has been Maths. Each day we have looked at a different country and, using the skills developed in our first term, challenged ourselves to work with number in a variety of ways. Please have a look at our super learning and leave a comment to explain your favourite part of the week.

Tuesday – Greece

Maths Mastery – To investigate the composition of 2

Practical-We matched the numicon with the shapes to make a superhero city

Mystery-To count accurately. We investigated the number of stripes on the Greek flag

Physical-To count actions and movements.
We took part in a mini Olympics and counted how many actions we could do in 10 seconds

Skill-To touch count correctly.
We counted as many buttons as we could onto the superhero figure in one minute


Physical-To read numerals and count actions. We followed the instructions on the treasure map and counted the actions in order to find the treasure

Practical-To recognise and match numerals 1-5. We used our knowledge of numbers to colour Tutankhamun’s mask.

Mystery-To recognise numbers in the school environment. We completed a number hunt around the school

Skill-To recognise and order numbers 1-5. We found the numbers in the sand tray and sequenced them


Practical-To recognise and form the number 2. We found different ways to make the number 2

Mystery-To subitise to 5 and match to numerals. We subitised to match the Chinese numbers with the correct numeral.

Physical-To develop 1 to 1 correspondence by counting carefully. We counted the noodles into a bowl using tweezers.

Skill-To form the number 2 correctly


Physical-To match quantity to numeral. We used play dough to create different objects and match quantity to numeral.

Mystery-To match number shape and recognise numbers. We used numicon to create pattern and practise our counting skills

Practical-To touch count accurately. We counted how many of each object we could find.

Skill-To match quantity to numeral. We matched the numbered diva lamps to the correct quantity

4 responses to “Maths Week in Reception Blue”

  1. Sofia-Carina M.

    Sofia was very excited about this week.
    She loved to play with sand and learn the numbers.

  2. Haitham B.

    Haitham said his favourite thing in Maths week was finding the treasure and finding the numbers in the sand tray 😊

  3. Mrs Langley

    What a busy week it has been RB! You have all true so hard with your Maths learning, your resilience makes me feel proud 🙂
    I particularly like your rangoli patterns using the number shapes!
    Keep up the good work R Blue!

  4. Anaya K.

    Anaya said her favourite thing she did this week was to look around the school and spot some numbers also she said she liked to find the numbers in the sand pit .

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