Today, we celebrated 10 weeks of learning! Throughout this unit of learning we have gained an insight to real life situations linking to identifying signs of stress, risks and consequences, knife crime, alcohol facts and completed resistance training.

DAaRT song

Our child led assembly

Certificate of graduation

32 responses to “Life skills education (DAaRT)”

  1. Rida W.

    I have learnt a lot of things such as drugs and what the consequences could be during the DAaRT programme.

  2. Asilah K.

    Well done

  3. Eesa F.

    I like the one that show us about drug and alcohol

  4. Merab R.

    I really enjoyed the DAaRT lessons because it has taught me so much new things that I would have never known.

  5. Kia J.

    I have really enjoyed thease 10 weeks of DAaRT and hope to do something similar to it again.

  6. Musab H.

    I have learnt so much in DAaRT it teaches me a lot and it taught me how to deal with big problems.

  7. Aleena M.

    We enjoyed this 10 week programme and we also learnt many things regarding our safety. Example : Risky behaviour, knife crime ,drugs and much more.

    Aleena Ellie

  8. Rasan M.

    I have learnt a lot from DAaRT and I’m very glad I took part in it.

  9. Sheima B.

    I really enjoyed it

  10. Elyas S.

    DAaRT was a really fun subject and helped me learn more about drugs alcohol and knife crimes and also the consequences of our actions.

  11. Siddra K.

    I have enjoyed DAaRT programme because I was able to learn new things that I did not know before,For example,I did not know that you could serve a life sentence for being racist. In addition to this we have learnt about the choices we have and what are the Positive/Negative outcomes of those choices.

  12. Danyaal H.

    I enjoyed DAaRT since it taught me about life skill problems and what to do if you are in them kinds of situations.

  13. Harris B.

    I have enjoyed DAaRT lessons trying to avoid

  14. Raihaan N.

    I have enjoyed the DAaRT sessions.

  15. James H.

    Well done to the people who made the posters I really liked them

  16. I have learnt about many laws and skills to use in the future and what to avoid.I have really enjoyed this programme because it’s showed me how to keep safe throughout my life.

  17. Alisha M.

    The posters were very good

  18. Yousuf I.

    Well done

  19. Rahima J.

    I really enjoyed DAaRT programme because it taught how to keep myself safe and what I should do in dangerous situations.

  20. Yalda N.

    I really enjoyed this DAaRT unit because I have learnt how to stay safe and healthy as I watch my little niece grow and this DAaRT unit has helped me learn that many dangers can come your way based on your decisions.

  21. Esra S.

    I’ve enjoyed the dart session during these 10 weeks because we got to learn new things.

  22. Leyad R.

    I have enjoyed these 10 weeks of DAaRT as it has teacher me many life skills.

  23. Timothy C.

    DAaRT(Daart) was an alright programme of life situations and resolutions to the problems that they had created.
    For example one of the situations were communication where they had fell out with each other because of bad communication. Then the answer to solve the situation was for him to talk to his them, instead of being scared to talk to his friends ( who are the same age as him).

  24. Shabaz

    Well done for everyone that graduated.

  25. Steven N.

    I have learned lots of things from my DAart book and I have enjoyed these lessons every time we do them I have learnt what to avoid.

  26. Aayan M.

    I really enjoyed DAaRt!! I will always stick through the DAaRT book my whole life and no matter what happens.

  27. Raees A.

    Well done with the posters guys and the song

  28. Safya S.

    well done

  29. I really enjoyed this DAaRT experience and I will use the skills I have learnt throughout my 10 weeks of knowledge of DAaRT throughout my life.It has been a great 10 Friday’s of DAaRT.(Ramadan mubarak everyone).

  30. Afsana K.

    I loved doing DAaRT so much. It taught me how to deal with problems, i will later face in my life. I was very intrigued learning about the health effects of alcohol and drugs. It was such a journey!

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