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Lesson 1: Social Geography of Japan

Today we will be looking at the Geography of Japan; specifically, we will be recapping prior skills and looking at the human and physical attributes of the country.

Task 1

Your first task for today is to watch the video below and to use what you learn to answer the following question. In geography, what is the difference between a human and physical feature? Write your explanation in the comments

Task 2

Read through the information given below. Follow this by reading the selection of statements given; use the text to decide whether the statements are true or false, or to answers the questions.

Select a card; please write the statements and the evidence you have found to support your answer. It would be great if you could use these to create PEE Paragraphs.

Japan’s islands are the exposed parts of mountain chains that rise abruptly from the ocean floor. Some rise from extreme depths—to the east, the Japan Trench plunges to nearly 28,000 feet (8,500 m) below sea level, the Kuril Trench to more than 32,000 feet (10,000m).

About four-fifths of Japan is either hilly or mountainous. Several hundred peaks rise more than 6,500 feet (2,000 m) above sea level. In central Honshu, especially in what are sometimes called the Japanese Alps, numerous peaks crest between 8,000 and 10,500 feet (2,400 and 3,200 m). Fujiyama, a 12,389-foot (3,776-m) volcanic cone southwest of Tokyo, is the country’s highest mountain.

Plains and relatively flat areas account for about a fifth of Japan’s total area and occur mainly along the coast. Except for the Kanto Plain, on which Tokyo is situated, all are comparatively small. They are, however, of great significance as centers of farming, manufacturing, and population.

Japan lies in a volcanic, earthquake-prone belt called the Ring of Fire, which fringes most of the Pacific basin. About 50 of Japan’s 192 volcanoes are classed as active although few erupt. Earthquakes are frequent; most, however, are only minor tremors that do little or no damage. A notable exception was the earthquake of 1923 that devastated Tokyo and Yokohama, killing 100,000 people.

The rivers of Japan are generally short and swift. The longest is the Shinano, some 230 miles (370 km) in length. Many of the rivers are used for hydroelectric power and to irrigate lowland rice fields. Navigation is of no importance except in the mouths of some of the rivers. Floods, especially those caused by torrential typhoon rains, sometimes cause widespread damage and many deaths.

Virtually all the lakes of Japan are small. The largest is Biwa Lake, covering some 265 square miles (686 km 2 ) on Honshu. Hot springs, associated with underground volcanic activity, are numerous.

Japan has some 16,000 miles (26,000 km) of coastline. Much of the coast is rocky and deeply indented by bays and inlets. The Inland Sea, between Honshu, Shikoku. and Kyushu, is a scenic and generally placid arm of the Pacific, dotted by hundreds of islands

Challenge: can you sort the statements into human or physical features. Create two lists- show your BH value of individuality and present as you wish : )

56 responses to “Lesson 1: Social Geography of Japan”

  1. Musab H.

    Task 2
    The capital city of Japan is Tokyo
    Japan border the pacific belt of fire.

  2. Reece T.

    Task one: In geography, what is the difference between a human and physical feature? The difference between human and physical features are human feature is man made like buildings,vehicle,roads,technology,theme park

    And physical feature is when men did not make it like mountings, trees, forests ,animals, parks

    Task one: In geography, what is the difference between a human and physical feature? The difference between human and physical features are human feature is man made like buildings,vehicle,roads,technology,theme park

    The largest city in Africa is Kinshasa.

    Migration to the UK has been the main driver of population growth since the 1990s. Change in population size at the UK level has four components:death, births, immigration and emigration.

    We experience global warming because of burning fossil fuels, cutting down forests and farming livestocks

    1. Reece T.

      What happens when a volcano erupts?
      When volcanoes erupt they can spew hot, dangerous gases, ash, lava and rock that can cause disastrous loss of life. Why does a river flood?Flooding tends to be caused by heavy rain: the faster the rainwater reaches the river channel , the more likely it is to flood.

      How are mountains formed?

      when pieces of Earth’s crust (called tectonic plates)bump into each other collide into each over and makes a mounting

      What is the name of Japan’s capital city?
      The name of Japan’s capital city is Tokyo

  3. Leyad R.

    Human features are things in the world that have been made by humans for example buildings and physical features have been made from the earths nature for example: Mountains, rivers ,rainforests and oceans.

    True or false? Japan has 192 volcanoes.
    True because it said 50 of Japan’s 192 volcanoes are active.

    1. Leyad R.

      From Raihaan and legal

      1. Leyad R.


  4. Timothy C.

    In geography, what is the difference between a human and physical feature?
    The difference between human and physical features is human features are named by humans which live on earth and physical features is nature creating stuff such as trees or open land.
    Human features are cities, buildings, towns and more which are man-made

    Task 2
    1) True
    5)Pacific Ocean
    Will finish later…

    1. Timothy C.

      2) Either true or false
      4)They are centers of farming, manufacturing, and population.

  5. Task 1 explanation:
    Humans features are things that were made by humans after building over natural land.

    Physical features are features that were naturally on earth without any disturbance from humans.

    The difference is that Physical has not been altered but human is that a piece of land has been altered

    Task 1 questions:Human geography
    #2)People from other countries migrating
    #3)One of the main reasons is burning fossil fuels.
    Physical geography:
    #1)It spews our hot dangerous rocks and gases.
    #2)Because of heavy rain and that rain not evaporating throughout time.
    #3)Mountains are formed by two tectonic plates colliding and pushing the earths crust on top of land.

    Task 2: true or false there are 192 volcanoes across Japan
    There are actually 440 volcanoes across Japan inactive and active.

    What is the name of Japan’s capital city
    True or false:Japan borders the Pacific belt of Fire

    Jacob and James.

    1. Volcanoes true or false

    2. Challenge:
      There are 192 volcanoes across Japan
      I know this because volcanoes are created by the Earth’s tectonic plates when they collide.

      The longest river in Japan is the Shinano River, which is about 230miles long, name the ocean bordering Japan on the east coast.
      The ocean bordering Japan on the east coast is the Pacific Ocean.
      I know this is a physical feature because humans cannot create the ocean and it has also been there for millions of years.

      Japan is made up of 1/5 flat land, know as the Kanto Plain – name three land uses of the Kanto Plain.
      One thing the Kanto Plain is used for is farming.
      The second thing it’s used for is now buildings.
      Finally, it can also be used for a water source.

      By Rasan, James and Jacob

  6. Rida W.

    Task 1:
    The difference between human and physical features is that human features are features that are man-made whereas physical features are things that were naturally made, not by humans.

    Task 2:
    Japan borders the Pacific belt of fire. – true

    About 4/5 of Japan of hilly or mountainous and cities are located around the coast. – false

    The mountains in Japan are known as the the Japanese alps-what is the name of the most famous active volcano on Honshu. – true

    Japan is made up of 1/5 flat land, known as the Kanto Plain:
    By Esra and Rida.

    1. Rida W.

      Japans capital city is Tokyo.
      Japan is a constitutional monarchy like Britain, which means it has a king. – true

      There 192 volcanoes across Japan. – true.

      1. Rida W.

        By Esra and Rida.

  7. Rahima J.

    Task 1
    In geography, what is the difference between a human and physical feature?
    The difference between human and physical is that human features are things that are made by human like houses and physical features are features that were naturally there before humans were alive like mountains.
    The largest city in Africa is Lagos in Nigeria.
    Because there has been a lot of migration to the UK.

    Task 2
    4) farming, manufacturing, and population.
    5)The pacific

    1. Rahima J.


  8. The difference between human and physical features is , physical is when places and landmarks are natural from Mother Earth , whereas human is man made .
    The largest city in Africa is Cairo
    Migration is the cause of increase in the UK population .
    We experience global warming due to burning fossil fules , deforestation and farming livestock.
    Task 2
    1. True , because the pacific belt of fire is also known as the ring of fire which does border Japan .

  9. Ellie T.

    Task 1 ✅

    Human features 😃
    Making shops
    Cooking .

    Physical features 🙂

    Human geography Questions 👍
    The largest city in Africa is Kinshasa
    The population growing right now is 67.1 million,
    Burning fossil fuels, cutting down forests and farming this what causes global warming .

    1. Ellie T.

      From Ellie and Alisha

    2. Ellie T.

      Physical geography Questions 👍
      When volcanoes erupt they can spew hot, dangerous gases, ash, lava and rock that can cause disastrous loss of houses .

      A flood occurs when a river burst it banks .

      when pieces of Earth’s crust—called plates—smash against each other in a process called plate tectonics .

      Task 2 ✅

      1: True
      2: true
      3 . False
      4 true .
      The capital city of Japan is Tokyo .

  10. Rasan M.

    Task 1:
    The difference between a physical feature and a human feature is:
    Physical features are things that were already on the earth, for example rivers and some trees.
    Human features are things humans have made on our planet, this can included buildings, factories and schools.
    Task 2:
    True or False? There are 192 volcanoes across Japan.
    True, there are 192 volcanoes across Japan and around 50 of them are active but they do not erupt often. I know this because reading some of the information it says that there are 192 volcanoes.
    True or False? Japan borders the pacific belt of fire.
    False, Japan does not border the pacific belt of fire, it is inside of the ring of fire instead. I know this by reading the information given, it says that Japan lies inside of the ring of fire.

  11. Roma M.

    Task 1:
    Human feature is where it’s handmade and it made by humans.
    Physical feature is where it already are build or grown.
    Task 2:
    1. True 2. True 3. False 4. Rice 5. True 6. Tokyo 7. False 7. False
    1. Human feature 2. Physical feature 3. Physical feature 4. Physical feature 5. Physical feature 6. Human feature 7. Human feature 8. Physical feature.

  12. Harris B.

    Task 1:
    The difference is that physical features is about the environment and the
    the human features is about where they live.

    Task 2:
    True there are 192 volcanoes across Japan, and 50 of them are active but now they are not active.

  13. Asilah K.

    1) true
    3)there are mountainous areas(true)
    4)true Shinano River is the longest river in Japan and it’s around 230 miles long.

    1. Asilah K.

      False because there are 111 active volcanoes in japan

  14. Marley H.

    Known rivers are around the world are sometimes man made like the New York river pipe to create a river.
    1)true because the ring of fire also known as pacific belt is a path along the Pacific Ocean

    1. Yalda N.

      TASK 1!!!
      Human geography!:
      What is the largest city in Africa?
      Why is the Uk population growing?
      Due to migration
      Why do we experience global warming?
      Due to fossil fuels burning, deforestation and many more reasons.
      Physical geography!:
      What happens when a volcano erupts?
      When volcanoes erupt they can spew hot, dangerous gases, ash, lava and rock that can cause disastrous loss of life and property, especially in heavily populated areas.
      Why does a river flood?
      Due to heavy rain.
      How are mountains formed.
      Through tectonic plates underneath the Earth’s surface.
      TASK 2 !!!
      A. True
      B. True
      C. Fujiyama
      D. True

  15. Arina A.

    Task 2: True or False
    There are 192 volcanoes across Japan?True, however there are 111 active but there is 192 a across Japan.
    Japan borders of the Pacific belt of fire?True
    The longest river in Japan is the Shinano River, which is about 230miles long ,name the ocean bordering Japan on the east coast?False
    Lisa and Arina

  16. Sabah S.

    Human geography-
    Physical Geography-
    Mount Fuji
    Amazon Rainforest
    Different terrain
    The North Sea
    Indian Ocean
    Statement answers:
    1) True
    2) True
    3) Asamayama
    5) Western Pacific Ocean
    6) Tokyo
    7) False
    8) False

    1. Sabah S.

      By Sabah and Esra

  17. Saira S.

    Task 1
    Human features:
    *buildings (Taj Mahal)
    *Cars (BMW)
    Physical features:
    *forests ( Amazon)
    *mountains (Mount Fuji)

    Task 2:
    1. Japan borders the Pacific Belt of fire = True
    2. Their hilly lands and mountainous areas cover 4/5 = True
    3. The famous active volcanoes is Asamayama.
    4. Rice
    5. True
    6. The capital city of Japan is Tokyo.
    7. False, Japan is not like the monarchy of Britain.
    8. False there are 111 active volcanoes but 192 volcanoes in general.

    Saira and Meghana.

  18. Harroop S.

    Human features:
    * Taj Mahal
    * Hs2
    *Empire State building
    *London eye
    Physical features of:
    * Mount Everest
    * Amazon forest
    * River Nile
    Task 2
    Tokyo is Japans capital city.
    True, there are 192 volcanoes across Japan but 111 are active.
    True, most cities are on the coast.
    Xavier and Harroop

  19. Ilyas I.

    Task 1)
    Human features are man made some of these can be the London eye, Big Ben and the Eiffel Tower.

    Task 2)
    Japan borders the Ring of Fire. (True)
    4/5 of Japan is hills or mountains and cities are around the coast.(True)
    What is the name of Japan’s capital city.(Tokyo)
    By Ilyas and Uthman

  20. Bilawal C.

    Task 2:
    What is the name of Japan’s capital city?
    It is Tokyo.

    True or false?Japan border the pacific belt of fire.

    True or false? There are 192 volcanoes across Japan.
    True, there are 192 volcanoes but there are 111 volcanoes active.

  21. Aayan S.

    Task 2:
    What is the name of Japans capital city
    False as it is Tokyo and not Paris.

    Japan has the same monarchy as Britain so they have a king.
    False because Japan do not have a king they have an empire instead.

    Japan borders the pacific belt of fire?
    Yes it is true.

  22. Steven N.

    Task 1:
    Human features:
    Statue of Liberty

    Physical features:
    Amazon rainforest

    Task 2:
    3.the capital is Tokyo
    Made by raees. and Steven

  23. Abdullah A.

    Human features :
    * Taj Mahal
    * Eiffel Tower
    *Statue of Liberty
    Physical features :
    * Amazon rainforest
    * Mount Everest

    Task 2
    1.) True or False – Japan borders the Pacific Belt of fire?
    2.) True or False? There are 192 volcanoes across Japan.
    3.) True or false? About 4/5 of Japan of hilly or
    mountainous and cities are located around the coast.

  24. Mohammad A.

    Human features:
    1)Cities like New York or Tokyo.
    2)Buildings like Taj Mahal and the Empire State Building.
    3)Landmarks like the Eiffel Tower and the London eye.
    4)Roads and Bridges.

    Physical features:
    1)Rivers such as the Nile and Thames.
    2)Mountains like Mt Everest and Kilimanjaro.
    3)Trees like acacia and birch.
    4)Flowers like daisies and sunflowers.

    Task 2
    1)True or false-Japan border the pacific belt of fire-True

    2)What is the name of the capital city of Japan? Tokyo

    3)True of false-Japan is a constitutional monarchy like Britain-which means it has a king-False.

  25. Ridwan U.

    Japans capital city is Tokyo.

    Japan has a mono racha like Britain, meaning it has a king?

    Indeed, Japan does bored the Belt of fire.

  26. Arina A.

    Physical features:
    Mount Everest
    Amazon rainforest
    River Nile

    Human features:
    New York
    Eiffel Tower
    Lisa and Arina

  27. Ridwan U.

    Human features are something created or That has originated from human hands and that has been created from things that have been made by humans. Physical features are something that has been originated because of Earths nature.

    Some of these are,

    Human: Ben 10, Eiffel Tower, Taj Mahal.

    Physical : Mount Everest, Amazon Rain Forest, Trees, Caves.

  28. Aayan S.

    Human features
    . Roads
    . Taj Mahal
    . London Eye
    . Big Ben

    Physical features
    . Mount Everest
    .River Thames

  29. Umar H.

    Human features:
    *al Aqsa
    * Burj Khalifa
    Physical features:
    *Mount Everest
    * Amazon rainforest
    *Amazon River

    Umar and Ravi

    1. Umar H.

      1)Japan borders the pacific belt of fire?
      This statement is correct.
      2)This statement is true.
      3) Asamayama mountain
      4)Santana tochigi chiba.

  30. Bilawal C.

    Human features:
    Taj Mahal
    Empire State Building
    Physical features:
    Mount Everest

    1. Bilawal C.

      Aayan and bilawal

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