Today, we learnt about refraction and how we can see different colours. We carried out an experiment to see which objects are refracted through a liquid.ย  We put a variety of objects into water and made observations about what happened to their appearance.ย  We considered which object bent the most and which angle made the object appear to bend the most.

4 responses to “Learning about light”

  1. Ebenezer O.

    It was fun learning about refraction and looking at the rainbow through the prism.

  2. Miski M.

    What is refraction?
    The bending of light rays. Refraction is the change in the speed of a wavelength while it passes through a material. This is seen with light and transparent objects, like glass or water.

    I enjoyed experimenting with putting objects in the water and observing them. We looked at which object bent the most.


  3. Tipian I.

    Good job guys

  4. Tana I.

    It was fun learning abou.t light and how rainbaows are formed

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