LbQ 6Blue 14.4.23

Good morning 6Blue. Final day of your LbQ. Well done to those of you who have logged in every day and given these tasks your best.

Today there is a Reading task and problem solving.

Tasks are live until 830pm.

6 responses to “LbQ 6Blue 14.4.23”

  1. Sadeen S.

    I have completed the tasks.😉

  2. Nihit N.

    I have completed all of the tasks.

  3. Saee N.

    I have completed all the tasks.

  4. Mosaver M.

    I never forgot my password and it keeps saying you forgot your password but I put in the right one so it said I have to press I forgot my password when I never.

    1. Mrs Morris

      Maybe you’re hitting the wrong key or you’re forgetting one character.
      As for a notification and I’ll remind you.

  5. Kaila M.

    I have completed the tasks.

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