Friday will be a very special day at Broad Heath. We will be spending the day celebrating the Queen and the Platinum Jubilee marking 70 years of service.

It is non uniform day, but we would love to see the children wearing red, white and blue.

Parents are invited to join us for soft drinks and cakes to celebrate as a community. Please use the Hanford Close or St Paul’s Road gates.

Please leave a comment if you can join us at 2.00pm.

350 responses to “Jubilee Day at BH-Friday 27th May”

  1. Nabiha I.

    My mum will come.

    1. Head Teacher


    2. Mustafa Z.

      Thank you for everything.

  2. Amirah T.

    My mum will be coming.

    1. Head Teacher


  3. Myiesha S.

    Thank you for the friday information.
    I will remmember to wear red white and blue.
    By the way do we have to bring anything from home like the food?
    Thank you for the invation though.

    1. Head Teacher

      Nothing is needed.

      1. Myiesha S.

        My mum is not feeling well she has temperature if she will any better by tomorrow she will definitely join us at 2. Thanks

        1. Head Teacher

          Ok I hope she feels better.

  4. Shreya S.

    Thanks a lot for the invitation. I will join the celebration at 2pm
    Shreya and Riya’s Mum

    1. Head Teacher


  5. Aadam R.

    My mum will come 😃

    1. Head Teacher


  6. Amina H.

    I’ll be there. Amina mum

  7. Ayla I.

    Thank you for the invitation, I will attend at 2pm
    Aiylas Mum

    1. Head Teacher


      1. Sheik A.

        Thank you for inviting I will attend at 2pm Abtahes mom

        1. Head Teacher

          Very welcome.

  8. Maryam M.

    My mum is going to be there.

    1. Head Teacher


      1. Maryam M.

        Thank you Mrs Frankish☺️

  9. Alima S.

    My mum will come at 2pm.

    1. Head Teacher


  10. Luxor A.

    Thank you for the information.

  11. Sania K.

    My mum and little sister is coming if that is okay!

    1. Head Teacher

      Of course.

  12. Sara H.

    My brother and I’s mum will be there

    1. Head Teacher


  13. Emil D.

    I will be there. Emils mum

    1. Head Teacher


  14. Musa B.

    My mom and my babysister would what to join thank you for info

    1. Head Teacher

      Ok see them Friday.

  15. Muhammad B.

    Hello My dad would like to join at 2pm Thank you very much for the invitation.

    1. Head Teacher

      He is very welcome.

  16. Hosanna N.

    Thank you.I will be there.

    1. Head Teacher

      See you then.

  17. Meharunisa A.

    My mum is coming at 2:00pm

    1. Head Teacher


  18. Muhammed I.

    My mum is coming

    1. Head Teacher


  19. Amelia R.

    Ok l will wear red ,white and blue

  20. Mahrokh Z.

    I will join Thanks for the info

    1. Head Teacher

      Will see you Friday.

  21. Albert Q.

    Albert & Austin’s mum would like to join please,thank you!

    1. Head Teacher

      👍 news.

  22. Aryan M.

    My mum is coming and is going to wear blue and white.

    1. Head Teacher


  23. Dominik B.

    Dominik and Oliwia’s mum will be there .

    1. Head Teacher


  24. Lillie S.

    My dad may be able to come!

    1. Head Teacher

      Let us know for definite.

  25. Ameera K.

    I’d like to join in please.. Ameera’s mum.

    1. Head Teacher

      A pleasure.

    2. Head Teacher

      Very welcome.

  26. Iyla H.

    thanks love to join u lot see u then!!

    1. Head Teacher

      See you soon.

  27. Lisa C.

    Thank you for this information Mrs RajaKhan I can’t wait on Friday to celebrate with my family and friends☺️

    1. Head Teacher

      It will be great.

  28. Mohammad A.

    I’ll ask my mum if she can come if not my dad.

  29. Rahaniya S.

    Thanks for the information I so excited for Friday!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Head Teacher

      It will be great.

  30. Samanta V.

    I would love to go!

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