23 responses to “Interview with a Spanish Teacher!”

  1. Emaan S.

    O questions i will do that

  2. Liliana S.

    It was fun asking questions

  3. Maryum N.

    I really liked it

  4. Bilal U.

    From Bilal and Mustafa
    We would like to ask you is sierra de grazalema a park?

  5. Reyn Bailey T.

    It was so fun learning about Spanish on zoom with another Spanish teacher

  6. Tasneem S.

    I wanted to tell her how is the beach there
    but it was really fun to interview Neria
    ok by

  7. Mrs Kiani

    As I was not in KS2 this final week – I missed out! Thank you for sharing information about the interview on this blog – it gives me an idea of how it went.

  8. Ebubechukwu L.

    Mustafa & Emmanuel
    Emmanuel = what is your most liked lesson?
    Mustafa=How many subjects do you have in a day?
    Emmanuel=what different do you do?
    Mustafa= what are your hobbies?

  9. Zaeem J.

    Our question was what’s your favourite word?
    She answered croquettes.
    Another question was did you enjoy the Euros?
    She did enjoy winning the euros.
    A different question was which football team do you prefer Real Madrid or Barcelona?
    She had chosen Real Madrid.
    The next question was which is your favourite city?
    She had chosen her home city which is called Zamora.
    We also asked what was the capital city of Spain?
    It was Madrid.
    We also asked what was your favourite part of Spain?
    Her opinion was the north of Spain.

  10. Meena B.


    Ianis- I said ‘Can you say your favourite word in Spanish’ and her answer was ‘Croquetas’. It’s a type of food in Spain. People asked about education and she explained how much years you would have in Primary and Secondary and what you would do after that.

    Meena- Other children in the classes said “What’s the capital City” and “ Are you happy you won the Euros”. She said she was super happy and celebrated. She also answered a question where she said she goes to the cinema or has fun with her friends in her freetime.

    From Meena and Ianis!

  11. Hamsia D.

    Let us rephrase that answer:
    Us as a 5 white community asked ‘What is your favourite word in Spanish?’
    And she answered ‘ It is a food called Croqutes.’

    A question another class asked was ‘What is your favourite city in Spain?’
    She replied with saying ‘The city I live in is Madrid and it is my favourite because it is calm and quiet.’

    Hamsia and Sabiha

  12. Ravi P.

    Although I’ve asked none of those questions to her I do know that she likes yamal
    A Spain football player and that she definitely speaks English because if she spoke spanning we couldn’t communicate with her while in the interview

  13. Mohammed K.

    How do you feel after Spain winning the Euros?
    She felt happy that Spain won because they played very

    What is food do you like most?
    She like croqeta

  14. Alinna A.

    What questions did you ask her?
    1 .what is your favourite word in Spanish?
    2.were you happy when Spain won the euros?
    3.what subjects does she teach?
    4. Do you prefer the south of Spain or north of Spain

    1. Her favourite word is croquetas which is a type of food or meal .
    2. She was very excited about it and happy.
    3. She teaches subjects like maths and English,basically the subjects we learn.
    4. She prefers the south of Spain because it is more sunnier and the north of Spain is more colder.

  15. Keaton O.

    Something I found unusual is that they eat the same food in the uk but make it in a different way = Keaton

    Something I found unusual is that they are not naughty and they listen well = Harrison

  16. Aaron G.

    Aaron and Anaya
    1) we asked Nerea ‘what was your favourite word in Spanish?’
    2) her answer to this question was croquetas.

  17. Alima S.

    Our class asked ‘ what is your favourite word in Spanish?’
    Her response was a name of a dish…

    Today our class and year group ‘ what if their culture food and how does it taste.

  18. Amirah T.

    As a class, we asked her what her favourite Spanish word was?
    Nerea’s reply was croquetas. This is a Spanish dish.
    Other questions that were asked were:
    Did you feel good when Spain beat England?
    She replied I was very happy when Spain won even though you guys played good.

    Madrid or Barcelona?
    Nerea chose Madrid.

    Amirah and Ahmad.

  19. Ravi P.

    I’ve asked
    Do you like tacos
    Do u like chicken
    Do u like Ronaldo nazorior
    Do u speak English
    Messi or Ronaldo or lamine yamal (Spain 17 year old foot ball player)
    What’s your favourite fish

    Asked by Daniel and Shayla

  20. Adam O.

    How do you feel winning the EUROS?

    How hot is Spain this summer?

    Zaynab Adam

  21. Keaton O.

    I asked that what type of food do you eat and what is your favourite drink?

    I asked what’s your favourite dish ?

    Keaton and Harrison

  22. Hamsia D.

    Sabrina and Hamsia

  23. Hamsia D.

    What questions did you ask her?
    We asked ‘what is your favourite food?’
    What were her responses?

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