Individual Liberty

Hi there, what a great term we have had so far. So many things to talk about and share. If you could do one thing again,learn about something again, repeat a lesson or trip what would it be? Cant wait to hear about your highlights.

40 responses to “Individual Liberty”

  1. Nick C.

    I enjoyed the conkers trip😊

  2. Luxor A.

    I would want to learn more about space unit in year 5.

  3. Mrs Latham

    We discussed the best days in year 5 so far:
    – Xlexben – Space centre and the planetarium especially.
    – Adam – Summer fair from the end of last year.
    – Zahra D – When we painted our masks in AATW week.
    – Mohammed I – 1960s day.
    – Najma – Wellbeing day.

    – 5 White

  4. Haarun M.

    I liked when it been Mexico day because I did scaring

  5. Miss Matthias

    1 White,

    Isaac – I would see the clowns again at the circus.

    Faith – I would like to practice writing again.

    Kaavya – Playing in the adventure playground with my friends again.

    Farhan – Playing with my friends.

    Hatim – Holding hands with my friends and spending time with them at school.

    Grace – I would like to do Alien day again.

    Fathima – I would like to go swimming again!

    We have all really enjoyed this half term there has been so many good memories made!

  6. Mrs Shergill (1B)

    1 Blue would like to do their science experiment again on how sound travels using string and plastic cups. They would love to have alien day again because it was fun. All the children enjoyed swimming and would like to do it again.

  7. Surinder J.

    I would like to go Dovedale again and I want to learn about the dinosaurs again because it was fun.

  8. Aadam R.

    I have lots of things that I would like to do again because they were so much fun. I liked Peter Pan day, Conkers trip, golf at lunchtime and in science being rock detectives. Golf is my favourite thing because it is fun and challenging to try and get a hole in one.

  9. Mr Rawlings

    This is what 1 Red would like to do;
    Everyone would like to do some more swimming!
    We’d like to do some more of the PE games we have done, such as Change Hoops, the Treasure game and Chicken or Hero.
    We enjoyed alien day and would like to do that again.

  10. Tinuola T.

    I would like to do all school trips again.
    I will use all school values and rules.
    I enjoy playing with my friends and having fun.

  11. Eva H.

    1. Be kind
    2.don,t give up
    3.give respect to uthus

    1. Miss Redhead


  12. Rayan M.

    When I’m at home I was 😃 Beacuse I was kind to my mom then I

  13. Rayan M.

    I enjoy 😊 playing with my friends Haroon and Hisham

  14. Rayan M.

    You have to be nice to people you be nice to ennyy Religion

  15. Miss Redhead

    In 3 White we have enjoyed many aspects so far. We loved the trip to Conkers because we had the opportunity to take part in so many fun activities.
    We also loved Peter Pan day because it enhanced our learning. We gained so much from what we did this day.
    We also loved exploring the story of Peter Pan by going on an adventure with our teachers dressed up acting out and telling us the story. We were also able to join in.

  16. Maryum N.

    I enjoy playing at the beach:

  17. Aiyla S.

    I like wen we make awa sandwich.🥪

  18. Freya S.

    I will be nine and kind

  19. Hudaa M.

    I want to go to the beach again and play with my friends in the sand.

  20. Tala I.

    Makeing the sandwich and pooing the topping 🥪🥪🥪🥪

  21. Muhammed I.

    It was really good at the seaside and we got ice lollies and we ate it all enth we went in the coach enth we arrived at our school anth we got our home thing

  22. Liliana S.

    I won’t to Go to the beach egen to qlaY with my friends

  23. Zakir F.

    I enjoyed my Christmas because it was fun 🤩😀🥹🥳🫥so much fun

  24. Advika B.

    At Weston-super-mare we had a lovely day.

  25. Aesha M.

    I won’t to go to the beach again and play wiv my fend

    1. Aesha M.

      won’t to noa boy the beach

  26. Zakir F.

    I liked the well being day because we got to do lots of stuff

  27. Yusuf A.

    I enjoyed going to the seaside and making sand 🏰

  28. Esa I.

    1.You should respect your friends and your team to win and they teechers
    2.Bee good with your family. teemwork.

  29. Zakir F.

    I love ❤️ maths but I also love going on a trip and what I really enjoyed is doing a poem

  30. Bilal U.

    I liked maths and science 🧪 because it is interesting 🧐 learning

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