Individual Liberty!

2022 here we come! What promises will you make, that will make a difference to others or the country, in this new year?

56 responses to “Individual Liberty!”

  1. Gufran E.

    I will recycle more often to help the planet
    I will be more hygienic in order to help stop Covid
    I will save water to look after the planet

  2. Zakariah D.

    I want to stop wasting food and cut down on eating red meat, only 2 days a week.
    I need to stop using light and just leaving them on as I want to contribute to stop climate change.
    We need to think about our future for many generations climate change could end the world so we have do something now or then it will be to late.

  3. Muhammed A.

    In 2022, I will help and clean the environment and save more energy. I will do it by recycling and turn off more energy when I don’t need it or when I am not using it. Another promise when there is a large crowd I will try to wear a mask if I might pass a disease. I will do that by wearing a mask in a large crowd or near vulnerable people.

  4. Amanah S.

    I will donate money to chavity,I will clean,save electricity and I would wash my hands to stop covid from spreading to me.

  5. Aayan M.

    I will pick up litter more than throwing it and try not to waste to much stuff for others might not have as much as we do so we should not waste it all.

  6. Aisha R.

    I promise to start to make sure to stop the coronavirus pandemic by washing my hands and wearing masks in public places other than school. I will put a stop to these unhygienic activities. Also I promise to put more effort into my schoolwork and homework.

  7. Faizan R.

    I will give money to charity . I will help stop climate change . I will recycle tithing that can be recycled.

  8. Naimol A.

    In 2022 i will not lie

  9. Lawy A.

    I promise that I will donate to charity also I will listen to all the covid rules I will help people if there about to give up I will tidy up at home and school and I will help my family with anything that they need.I promise I will wash my hand at all times.

    1. Lawy A.

      Also plant trees and not waste food.

  10. Maryam G.

    I will recycle materials that need to be recycled and I will try to spend more time with my elders and keep them safe.

  11. Aleena I.

    In 2022 I won’t waste any food, water and electricity.And I will help my parents clean up and wash dishes.

  12. Brooke M.

    I will not litter and I will litter pick in and out of school I will also try and try to listenable to grown ups a bit more I will also help my parents more.

  13. Luxor A.

    I promise to save food,water and help my mum.

  14. Zainab A.

    To read every single day and practise my spellings which are sharks.
    To be kind and read my book every day.
    To promise my teacher I will do my home work.

    From Mehar,Tahiyan and zainab

  15. Muhammad J.

    I want people to not give up when they do stuff because they will work hard if they don’t give up

    1. Muhammad J.


  16. Safa M.

    In 2022, I will make a promise to observe my hygiene much more than last year as covid and the new Covid variant cases are increasing. This means that I will try to avoid passing the infection to the vulnerable and elderly people because they are at higher risk.
    Another promise I will make is by recycling materials that can cause harm to the environment. This is because in the past recent years there is a raise in some catastrophic events which caused by global warming and climate change.
    Finally , I will try as much as I can to help and support poor people around the world by not wasting food.

  17. Muhammad Y.

    My mum teaches me to not waste water so I’m not going to waste water this year and make sure others don’t too. I will save left over water for our house plants and garden plants.

    1. Head Teacher

      Very good,well done.

  18. Mrs Khaliq

    As a class we talked about New Year resolutions and how many people think of the new year as a fresh start and for the time to make a difference. We talked about how our actions can affect others. Sometimes we impact ourselves, our families, the BH family, the local community and the wider community. Here are some of our promises:
    Mrs Walker- promised to look after her mum and parents in law a bit more than she does.
    Sabiha- has promised to do monthly litter picking.
    Adam and Harrison- promised to help others tidy, both at home and at school.
    Amirah- has promised to donated money to the RSPCA.
    Khadeeja- to help others.
    We then went on to talk about helping others through charities as this is also part of our PSHE learning. Mrs Khaliq shared a charity (pass a smile) that she has a special connection with. We spoke about how our donations help the wider community.

    1. Head Teacher

      Some great promises.

  19. Caleb A.

    I can make a difference by making shure people never give up . Also they are always resilient

    1. Head Teacher

      You need to remember what you say Caleb, the other morning you gave up and resigned yourself to being late for school!

  20. Rhia H.

    To help my mum because I know It’s hard for her

    1. Head Teacher

      It is hard for lots of people but if we all do a little it really helps.

  21. Caleb A.

    I can make a difference by making shure people never give up .

  22. Noah J.

    I am going to help out were every I can and obeying the rules.

  23. Kanishka P.

    – Nuha
    I can be a better Broad Heath citizen by trying harder in lessons.

    – kanishka
    I can be a better Broad Heath citizen by trying harder in swimming.

    – Estera
    To be a better citizens by listening to the teacher .

    1. Head Teacher

      Great targets.

  24. Abdul Y.

    I will donate toys

    I will be a good Broad Heath citizen by paying attention and helping others.

    1. Head Teacher

      Who will you donate to?

  25. Ebenezer O.

    I will donate all my savings to charity. I would plant more plants. I will make sure people don’t give up.

    1. Head Teacher

      How will ensure they don’t give up?

  26. Lusardo M.

    I would donate all my saving money 💵 to charity and I would like a school fundraiser

    1. Head Teacher

      Who would you fundraise for?

  27. Miss Redhead

    In 3 White we discussed new years resolutions and why people make them. We thought about some promises we could make that would help others:
    We could raise money and give to charity this will help others who are in need.
    We will recycle our rubbish properly and we will do litter picking .
    We will support people who feel poorly.
    We can do a kind deed a day.

    1. Head Teacher

      Could we recycle more in school.?

  28. Awais W.

    Awais- To help others
    Abdullahi- To help poor people
    Tana- To help nature.

    1. Head Teacher

      How can we help others? How can we help nature and the poor?

  29. Mrs Langley

    In RW we discussed how we can help one another and how we can promise to make a difference. Some of the children thought about how they can individually promise something that may make a difference to others.
    Rumaysa “I promise to pick up litter and tidy up nicely”
    Reon “I promise to be good at home and at school”
    Aaron “I promise to do my homework”
    Yosias “I promise to clean up the snack table when it gets messy”
    Ameera “I promise to do my homework”
    Adam “I promise not to throw litter on the floor”
    Rehan “I promise to listen to grown ups”

  30. Mrs Latham

    Haroon – Not littering and helping the environment.
    Ahmed – Planting more trees (or giving a charity that does)
    Umar – Being aware of the environmental impact of fireworks.
    Elham- Wear masks to keep ourselves and others safe.
    Saffa – Walk or take a bike to help the environment.
    Romeesa – Make sure we put our rubbish in the bin.

    Abdullah – Make sure we are being honest at all times.
    Eman- We need to make sure we gain by never giving up
    Aro – To be kind and to be respectful to other people.

    – 4 Blue

    1. Head Teacher

      Lots of great pledges, how many will happen? Go 4B.

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