On Friday we are inviting schools from across our network to take part in an inclusive sports festival. This is a fantastic day where children get to take part and support each other in taking part in a variety of inclusive games, including kurling, boccia and archery. The following children have been selected to represent Broad Heath and will need to come to school in PE kit on that day.

6 Red – Josiah

5 White; Moiz, Shayla

5 Red; Rola, Marwah, Haroon

5 Blue; Nihal, Keyaan, Muzzan

4 White; Suhan, Sanaya

4 Blue; Fatimah, Faris

3 White; Aadyan, Shaher, Warizah

3 Red; Ziyaan, Fatima, Salman

3 Blue; Haseeb, Zenat, Kayla

Well done to the children in being selected – we hope you have a fantastic day!

8 responses to “Inclusive Sports Festival Friday 5th July”

  1. Liliana S.

    Have fun

  2. Tana I.

    Ok thank you for the information

  3. Fatima S.

    Ok I’ll Where my Pe kit

  4. Kayla P.

    Are you going to tell me

  5. Kayla P.

    Can you tell me Mr Rawlings

  6. Kayla P.

    Where are we going to have lunch

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