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In preparation for Year 3 2024-25

In preparation for Year 3, we would like your child to do the following:


  • Read often this is important. Visit the library with your child. You can use the stories on the Website.

See Phonics information on blog post

  • Spell high frequency words especially those from KS1


Physical Education

  • Make informed choices to maintain your health and well-being. You can do this by creating an exercise plan using the BH blogs to support.
  • Ensure you eat a healthy range of foods and not too much ‘junk’ food. Family will support you for this.
  • Go on family walks, runs go to the park.


  • Write a diary extract sharing somewhere you have visited or would like to visit–This is a great way to practise your writing too.
  • Draw something you like or enjoy.


Group work:
  • Look for opportunities to practise group work at home, such as baking a cake together, or collaborating with siblings or friends on making a LEGO model.
  • Organise PE and swimming kits ready for September. Practise getting changed for PE (including tying shoelaces and doing up buttons) within 2 minutes. Take on some household jobs.
  • Improve concentration skills by playing family games that involve focusing on the task in hand, such as Scrabble, Bananagrams and chess.
Communication skills:
  • Develop your communication skills by making plenty of time to talk as a family, such as over the dinner table.

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