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In preparation for Year 2 2024-25

In preparation for Year 2, we would like your child to do the following:


  • Read books aloud and reread to build up their fluency and confidence.


  • Recognise all sounds (https://www.broadheath.coventry.sch.uk/phonics-reading-schemes/) and read all High Frequency Words.
  • Listen to adults read a wide range of poems, stories and non-fiction and discuss. Link to their own experiences. Join in with predictable phrases. Talk about the meaning of new words. Ask them to explain the story.
  • Spelling – Spell common exception words and days of the week. They should be able to name the letters of the alphabet in order and use letter names. https://www.topmarks.co.uk/english-games/5-7-years/words-and-spelling
  • Handwriting – Form lower-case letters cursively.
  • Practise writing sentences leaving spaces between words and using capital letters and full stops. They should use ‘and’ to join two sentences only. Children should say the sentence out loud before they write and re-read once they have written it to check it makes sense.


Using Hit the Button Practise:
  • Count to and across 100, forwards and backwards, from any given number
  • Count in 2s, 5s and 10s
  • Add and subtract numbers to 20 (including finding bonds)
  • Double and halve numbers to 20
  • Recognise and name 2D shapes (e.g. rectangle, circle, triangle) and 3D shapes (e.g. cuboid, pyramid, sphere)
  • Tell the time to the hour and half past the hour


  • Recognise and know the value of different coins and notes
  • Sequence events in chronological order (e.g. before, next, first, today, yesterday, tomorrow, morning, afternoon, evening)

Use the language of position, direction and motion (left, right, top, middle, bottom, on top of, in front of, above, between, around, near, close, far, up, down, forwards, backwards, inside, outside)

Physical Education

  • Pat, throw, kick, stop and catch a ball.
  • Run a short distance with some control.
  • Jump with both feet from standing.
  • Go on a family walk or bike ride and follow a simple route around a given outdoor space.


  • Engage in imaginative play, representing simple characters and situations in everyday speech, gesture or movement.
  • Create a journal to record experiences during the holidays. Write about what you have been doing and draw pictures too. Decorate with a simple pattern using colours and shapes. You could also cut, tear and glue paper to create collages.
  • Apply paint using a range of tools (e.g. large brushes, hands, feet, rollers and pads).


Group work:
  • Play games as a family, taking turns and solving disagreements fairly. You could play card games like Uno or create a LEGO model together.
  • Take responsibility of getting changed by themselves and tidying up. Explain ways of keeping clean (e.g. by washing their hands and keeping their hair tidy) and how this stops the spread of some diseases.
  • Improve concentration skills by playing family games or jigsaw puzzles. Games like ‘Pairs’ are brilliant for improving memory skills.
Communication skills:
  • Take part in conversations as family, recognising what they like/dislike. Encourage your child to give simple reasons for their own views/opinions. Talk about things that make them feel happy and things that make them feel sad. Talk about their gifts and talents.

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