How lucky are BH pupils?

62 responses to “How lucky are BH pupils?”

  1. Muhammad Y.

    We are lucky that we don’t have to risk our life’s just to go to school .It’s sad when kids go through many hardships and this is how lucky we are.

  2. Prisha T.

    We are so lucky that we don’t have to go through these type of situations.
    Always remember to be grateful with what you have!

  3. Luxor A.

    We are so lucky that we don’t have to do that. Am so grateful

  4. Kaif B.

    We are so lucky. The children have to risk their lives just to go to school. Thankfully we don’t need to overcome these obstacles while going anywhere.

  5. Muhammed G.

    Lucky we are to have this great economy in our country we take this for granted ,people have to risk their life just to get to school and take this mean we can take a bus we can take a car but they have to walk it just shows that they have more poverty than us and they need more help.

  6. Ravi P.

    We are extremely luck because we don’t need to face Challenges but the other people have to face Challenges to go to school 🏫 .
    Which is really risk and dangerous and super scary 😨😰😨😰.
    Daniel and Ianis.

  7. Vaneza S.

    Some people will risk their own lives to save children.

  8. Nma M.

    We are so lucky because we don’t risk our life just to get to school especially it’s a dangerous flowing river and she could drown it’s not safe Incase the string that she held to get across broke.

  9. Lawan R.

    We are very lucky we don’t have to risk our lives just for going to school .

  10. Sheik A.

    We are so lucky because we don’t go through hunger “and we get nice things while they don’t. We need to help the poor people.

  11. Maryam M.

    We are so lucky for having a safe school and contry

  12. Anish B.

    We are so lucky and the Indians are struggling just to get to school.

  13. Arfa S.

    I am really grateful to have so many things.
    I hope they stay safe.😢

  14. Zaeem J.

    We are very lucky because we do not have to risk our lives to get to school.

  15. Eliza H.

    We are so lucky because the people have to do hard stuff to get to school. I hope they stay safe

  16. Lawy A.

    We are so lucky i hope the people in poor countries stat safe.

    1. Lawy A.

      Stay safe

  17. Simra S.

    We are so lucky because we don’t have this trouble and we all love school we never give up .

  18. Ahmad R.

    We are really lucky because we don’t have to take risk and some people have to take risk.

  19. Harrison S.

    That’s awesome 😎

  20. Tipian I.

    We are so lucky we don’t have to go through all this risk just to go to school we should be thankful and grateful. Thank you for sharingng with us the video

  21. Osas O.

    We are very lucky. The people have to risk their live just to go to school! We should be grateful and thankful that we don’t have to go through this and have a good education.

  22. Meena B.

    Meena- We are so lucky that we don’t have to risk our lives for anything and we are lucky to have everything we want in the world.

    Ramandeep- We are so lucky that we get everything that we want but some people don’t get as much nice things as we do. Also we can get anything we want.

  23. Aryan M.

    The people who do this should earn more respect. We are so lucky that we do not do this.

  24. Aaron G.

    We are very lucky at Broad Heath because we don’t have to risk our lives to go to school. We are very lucky because we have cars to travel to school.

  25. Yahya K.

    We are very lucky we don’t have to go through numerous terrains just to get to school. I hope you stay safe.

    I am very happy we don’t have to go through all those stuff like the other children who have to risk their own life. I feel very bad and I would like them to have a better a life in the future. I hope they are going to be safe from now on.

  26. Muhammad D.

    Broad Heath is very lucky.We do not have to go through challenges.You should never complain because there are people in the world who have a harder life.

  27. Hussein H.

    We are so lucky because we don’t have much of that rain and don’t have to build a raft or go on a zip line that good brake above a dangerous river!
    Delilah and Hussein

  28. Hussein H.

    We are so lucky because we don’t have much of that rain and don’t have to build a raft or go on a zip line that good brake above a dangerous river!

  29. Khadijah M.

    We are extremely lucky to have trips and equipment. We also have the adventure playground and displays in our classroom. 👍☺️

    1. Khadijah M.

      Khadijah And Bethany

  30. Sumayyah A.

    We are so lucky! The people who have to face challenges while going to school people who are not safe! We should be more and more grateful everyday to be having to go to school safe and having good education!

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