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Year 1 Homework Sp2 Wk3 (17.03.23)


Please choose two items to complete.


19 responses to “Year 1 Homework Sp2 Wk3 (17.03.23)”

  1. Grace C.

    Grace has completed all her homework.

  2. Andrew T.

    Andrew has completed both the literacy and W.O.W education city. He has also practiced his spelling for this week.

  3. Rishaan C.

    I done my homework.

  4. Ziad H.

    I have completed my Education City homework and did the maths homework in my homework book.

  5. Amaal H.

    Amaal has scored 100% on Made to last and 79% on Fairy pair. She will practice her spellings tomorrow.

  6. Oliwia B.

    Oliwia has completed her challenges on education city .

  7. Hosanna N.

    I have completed my homework. Spellings as well.

  8. Aiyla I.

    I have completed my homework but I can’t find ”fairy pair” on education city

  9. Pugalini K.

    Pugalini have completed her homework on Education city (Literacy and WoW)

  10. Adyan M.

    I have completed my homework on education city

  11. Amelia B.

    Amelia has completed her Education City homework.
    Fair pair-100%
    Made to last-100%

  12. Faith A.

    Faith has completed all her homework, both educational city and homework book spelling.

  13. Iver V.

    I have finished all of my homeweork.

  14. Aaron R.

    Aaron has completed maths & wow homework’s.

  15. Rumaysa K.

    Rumaysa has practised her spellings in her homework book and done her wow homework on education City.

  16. Abdullah S.

    Abdullah completed his Wow & Literacy homework.

  17. Gaira M.

    Mustafa has done the literacy and wow homework

  18. Farhan K.

    Farhan has completed both homework on education city and his spellings in his book.

  19. Adam K.

    Adam has completed his mathematics and wow challenge. We could not find literacy homework on educational city. He has also read his reading book and learnt his new spelling words

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