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Year 6 Homework/Revision Week 1

Homework books are due on Wednesday, pick one from the grid each week (Spelling & Grid)
Online homework is due by Wednesday. (Mathletics & SPaG)
Please remember to attempt the homework over the weekend. If you are struggling, please talk to your teacher so that we can support you in school.

SPaG Blooket: There is no spag.com this week. Please play this multiple times, as a form of revision. Write your first name, Class and then the attempt number. For example: Joey6W2


(2 tasks set on Mathletics)
All work this week links to the work we have been doing on fractions
(Any scores less than 70% will be reset

Please continue to read every day and record your reading in your diaries. We will continue to check and listen to you read in school.

It is important that your practise your spellings in preparation for your spelling tests. We would like to see you correctly using the words in your writing, particularly those words which are new to you or link to our units of work.

WOW: Can you create an art piece that is representative of a Season. This is for a display in the bus! So please be creative and take your time! Ask for any resources you may need to borrow!

Arithmetic Questions Broken down by Subject ( with guide)

SATs Maths Practise Papers

Maths Revision Tips

CPG 10 min Tests Maths and SPaG


SPaG Glossary


Passive and Active Voice

Combined SpaG Test

9 responses to “Year 6 Homework/Revision Week 1”

  1. Osas O.

    I have done the revision in my homework book ( spag and arithmetic).

  2. Gufran E.

    I have done revision at home(spag and maths).

  3. Yogitha K.

    Thank you for the information

  4. Hammad A.

    there is no spag

    1. Miss Vega

      As stated on the blog, this week there is a SPaG blooket, rather than a spag.com. Please read the blog carefully…

  5. Hammad A.

    what is the blooket code

  6. Kevin Rowlatt

    There’s no spag on spag.com

    1. Miss Vega

      Please read the blog carefully Kevin – give the Blooket a go!

  7. Moosa K.

    Can you help me with mathletics.On Monday.

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