Today we are going to be looking at how different types of exercise affects our heart and cardiovascular system.

First we looked at what aerobic exercise is: Aerobic exercise is any exercise undertaken to improve the body’s cardiovascular system. Aerobic exercise includes activities like running, cycling and dancing.

We tried to think of as many different types of aerobic exercises that we could… then we acted some out!

Who is recommended to take part in lower-Impact Aerobic Exercise? Why?

Then we looked at what a anaerobic exercise is: Anaerobic exercise is high intensity, high power exercise which aims to build strength rather than endurance. 

What is the difference between anaerobic and aerobic exercise?

Which do you do more frequently?

Which has a greater affect on your heart?

51 responses to “Year 6: Health is Wealth Wednesday!”

  1. Esha A.

    Anaerobic exercises- sprinting, push ups and squat.
    – it improves cardiovascular conditions
    Aerobic exercises- swimming,running,cycling.
    -The Aerobic exercises require your heart to pump lots of blood that deliver oxygen to our muscle.
    Frequently, we do swimming and running which pumps our blood and delivers lots of blood for our muscle!
    We have chosen aerobic exercises as it reduces the risk of many conditions.
    By Esha and Mishal.

  2. Marley H.

    I’ve got 4 aerobic exercise for you running jumping jacks bike riding and swimming. Rhema and marley

  3. Saffiyah K.

    Aerobic means with air refers to the body producing energy with the use of oxygen.
    Anaerobic means without air and it refers to the body producing energy without use of oxygen.
    We do Aerobic.
    I think aerobic because it pumps when you do exercise.

  4. Xavier M.

    1) Aerobic exercise is different than anaerobic exercise because aerobic exercise is used to improve cardio however anaerobic exercise is used to build muscle in gyms.
    2) Me and my partner both do aerobic exercise.
    3)Aerobic exercise is more effective to you heart. This is because aerobic exercise is used to improve your cardiovascular system.
    4. Disabled people should use lower impact aerobic exercise because this will keep their cardiovascular system healthy and strong.
    By Abdullah An and Xavier

  5. Aayan M.

    1. Aerobic means ‘with air’ and refers to the body producing energy with use of oxygen. This means that any exercise that last longer than 2minutes in duration.
    On the other hand, anaerobic exercise takes place without oxygen. Moreover it used muscles.
    2. From my and my partners opinions, we believe that aerobic exercises are more commonly used in day to day life as cardio such as walking is a type of talking.
    3. Aerobic exercises will have a greater effect on your heart as it really on oxygen.

  6. Bilawal C.

    The difference about anerobic and aerobic is anerobic is more relaxing and anerobic is more for do muscles and go in gym for do your body more strong

    1. Bilawal C.

      And I do more frequently anerobic then aerobic,aerobic do more affect on your heart

    2. Bilawal C.

      I do more aerobic then anaerobic exercises. I think both help your heart as they both are important exercises

  7. Aayan S.

    What is the difference between anaerobic and aerobic exercise?
    Anaerobic exercises are more for people who go to the gym and want to make specific muscles tougher or stronger.

    Which do you do more frequently?
    Aerobic, as it includes jogging and throwing and we can usually do those exercises at break time or lunch time.

    Which has a greater affect on your heart?
    Anaerobic as it makes your heart pump more vigorously than aerobic as they involve the majority of your muscles.

    By Harroop.S and Aayan.S

  8. Rahaniya S.

    Aerobic exercise are ;
    Star jumps
    Jumping jacks

  9. Ridwan U.

    Aerobic helps the heart and anaerobic helps physical appearance and strength. I prefer anaerobic and Saira recommends Aerobic.
    Aerobic excercises are very useful if anyone has a heart condition, aerobic excercises produce more oxygen to pump around the body reducing bad impact of negative coniditons and diseases, meaning aerobic excercises are more useful when trying to cure the human body.

    Ridwan and Saira

  10. Steven N.

    The difference between anaerobic and aerobic is aerobic means with air however anaerobic means without air.
    We do aerobic exercise most of the time and some aerobic exercises are running ,jogging and swimming.
    aerobic exercise has more greater effect on your heart

    1. Steven N.

      Made by Ibrahim and Steven

  11. Rhema E.

    The difference between anaerobic and aerobic is that aerobic is exercise like running and jumping. Anaerobic is working at the gym with dumbbells and weights.

  12. Meghana Miriyam

    Aerobic exercises:

    Aerobic exercises are the exercises which keeps our heart healthy.

  13. Zaid M.

    Aerobic excersises:
    Jumping Jacks,
    Jogging and
    Anaerobic exercises
    Weight lifting,
    Weight lifting,
    Pull ups,
    Push ups,
    Yoga and
    Q1. Pregnant people and disabled people. This is because a pregnant person hold a lot of weight above their lower body and doing leg excercises is a lower impact excercise as it does not increase your heart beat.
    Q2. The difference between anaerobic and aerobic excersises is that anaerobic excersises are for using and improving strength, whereas aerobic is when your heart beat increases.
    Q3.We do aerobic excercises more frequently.

  14. Yahya K.

    3 aerobics because it helps your heart

  15. Yahya K.

    2 aerobic

  16. Yahya K.

    1is aerobics is when the absence of oxegon and aerobic is the presence of oxegon

  17. Qasim K.

    I think the difference is that a aerobic exercise is more flexibility and maybe cardiovascular but anaerobic is more strength .
    Aerobic because we do it in p .e.
    Arerobic, because because I like doing swimming in my free time .
    I think both are good because they make your heart healthier and make you breath .

  18. Ouzair A.

    1.) Pregnant people because it will help them and the baby (swimming and walking).
    2.) The difference between anaerobic and aerobic is that 1 of them help your cardiovascular system and the other one helps your strength
    (Anaerobic e.g. plank, lift weighting, rowing, yoga and roller blades).
    (Araeboic e.g. swimming, walking, running and jumping)
    3.)I do Araeboic exercises but Bijan does Anaeroboic.
    The types of Araeboics that I do are running, jumping and walking. On the other hand, the types of Anaeroboics that Bijan do are pushups, karate, boxing, rowing, plank and lift weighting.
    4.)Me and Bijan thinks both because for Araeboics the impact is for Pregnant people and for people over the age of at least 60. Now for Anaeroboics it helps people be stronger.

    1. Ouzair A.

      Ouzair and Bijan

  19. Muhammad R.

    The difference between aerobic anrobic one has high impact and the other has low
    I do the impact one because I do mma and boxing
    The high inpact

  20. Ali K.

    The difference between aerobic and anaerobic is that aerobic includes stuff like running, dancing and jogging but anaerobic includes weight lifting and swimming another difference between the two is the anaerobic help our strengths grow however aerobic help a different function.
    In my opinion I frequently do aerobic more by running and dancing
    I believe that aerobic helps our heart more as we get tired faster then anaerobic because when your running you get tired which means that your heart is beating more then when your doing anaerobic exicises.

    By Ali and Archi

  21. Iqra

    What is the difference between anaerobic and aerobic exercise?

    Aerobic exercises improve your cardiovascular system. Anaerobic exercises improve your strength.

    Which do you do more frequently?
    Aerobic exercises (jumping jacks, running etc)

    Which has a greater affect on your heart?

    Aerobic as they improve you cardiovascular system

  22. Umaiza T.

    1) The difference between anaerobic and aerobic is that aerobic is good for the cardiovascular system. Activities that improve the cardiovascular system are: dancing, cycling and running whereas anaerobic exercises improve your muscle strength and it has high intensity
    2) I do aerobic exercises more frequently because I do a lot of running as it keeps me energetic.
    3) I feel like both because when I row heart feels like a brick and when I run I fear like my heart is like a car

    1. Umaiza T.

      Umaiza and Ayomide.

  23. Zain A.

    1) Aerobic means ‘with air’ and refers to the body producing energy with the use of oxygen. This typically involves any exercise that lasts longer than two minutes in duration. Continuous ‘steady state’ exercise is performed aerobically. Anaerobic means ‘without air’ and refers to the body producing energy without oxygen.

    2) I do both and think it should be balanced. If I want a good rowing form I normally do push ups the night and morning before.

    3) I would say it depends on who is doing the exercise. if you are pregnant or old you can go bike riding and swimming. If you have the health you can do aerobic excercises. (Also Anaerobic exercises are more fun. But aerobic exercises will hurt more, but will make you buff.)

  24. Hamaad D.

    Aerobic exercises is increases your blood circulation and improves your cardiovascular system,whereas anaerobic exercises increases your strength.
    I do aerobic exercises more frequently.
    Aerobic exercises has a greater affect on your heart because it improves blood pressure. Anaerobic exercises help your muscles.
    Disabled,old and pregnant people are recommended to take part in aerobic exercises because it has less pressure on them.
    Aerobic exercises-swimming,running,skipping,dancing,cycling,jumping
    Anaerobic exercises-weightlifting,sprints

  25. Marwa H.

    Old people, pregnant people and overweight/disabled people is recommended to do low impact exercises. Overweight and pregnant people are recommended swimming because they don’t carry much weight.
    Anaerobic helps with the strength in your body however, aerobic helps with the cardiovascular system.
    Aisha does aerobic the most and Marwa does aerobic the most as well.
    We personally think that the exercise which has a greater effect on your heart is probably aerobic.
    -Aisha and Marwa.

  26. Bolu

    Alina and Bolu
    1. The difference is anaerobic has more affect on strength but aerobic is an exercise does not have that much affect .
    2. I most frequently do aerobic more because I cycle in the parks.
    3. In my opinion aerobic has the greater affect on you heart because you are challenging yourself when you are running, cycling,dancing and rowing.

  27. Aamina B.

    1) Pregnant people,disabled people and the elderly because pregnant and over weight people have a lot to carry on their legs and disabled people can not walk sometimes.
    2)Anaerobic exercise is when it makes you stronger whereas the aerobic exercise is good for your cardiovascular system.
    3)Aamina does aerobic
    Alexis does anaerobic
    Safya does aerobic
    4)aerobic exercise.

  28. Hajrah S.

    What is the difference between anaerobic and aerobic exercise?
    Anaerobic exercises are for building strength within your body.
    Aerobic exercises are to help your cardiovascular system and makes your heart beat really fast.
    Which do you do more frequently?
    I do both of them
    Which has a greater affect on your heart?
    Aerobic exercises have more effect on my heart.

  29. Armaan M.

    People who might take part in low impact aerobic exercise are people who have difficulty walking, lazy people, or someone with the weight of another person (in kg). Reason being, it is easier for them to fulfill, make them feel better about themselves and has a slight impact which will build up to cause greater impact.

  30. Absi P.

    What is the difference between anaerobic and aerobic exercise?
    The difference between anaerobic is that it makes u string her and areboic is when u don’t have to put 100% effort in it.
    Which do u do more frequently?
    I do running because it helps me gain strength to my lags so that I can run faster.
    Which has greater affect on ur heart?
    For me it’s swimming because sometimes I struggle breathing underwater and that I what makes my heart beat so fast

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