34 responses to “Head Lice Notice”

  1. Eliza H.

    I don’t have any but thanks for the information

  2. Aalya H.

    I don’t have it but thank u for the information.

  3. Romeesa T.

    Ok thank you for the information

  4. Bahar K.

    I don’t have lice but thank you!

  5. Lucas R.

    I don’t have it, thank you for the infomation

  6. Ramarni J.

    I don’t have it but thanks for the information!

  7. Arsalan M.

    Thanks for informing us
    My mom will check indeed

  8. Safiyah P.

    Thanks for the information

  9. Nihit N.

    Thank you for the information.

  10. Amina J.

    My mum washes my hair so i don’t have ay head-lice.

  11. Yogitha K.

    I don’t have any lice but thank you for the info.

  12. Albert Q.

    I don’t have headlice.Thank you for the information

  13. Mahid H.

    Thank you 🎁

  14. Mahid H.

    I don’t have any lice because my mummy checks my head every day 🫠🫠🫠🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🥳👍👍

  15. Sumayyah A.

    I don’t have it but thanks for the info.

  16. Jasmine P.

    Ok thank you to inform

  17. Tipian I.

    I don’t have head lice but thank you for the info

  18. Tana I.

    I don’t have headlice but thank you for the information

  19. Abigail F.

    My mum Check every day my hair.

  20. Chavi L.

    Chavi doesn’t have head lice neither anyone at my home.

  21. Halima S.

    at Least we can’t get head lice now but yeah I don’t have head lice

  22. Evelyn B.

    No headlice in our home mum checks our hair every week

  23. Aisha A.

    I am sure that I don’t have any head-lice because my mom washed my hair and cones every day

  24. Laylah M.

    I do that every day

  25. Rahima D.

    My mum washes my hair so there might not be any head license

  26. Marwa H.

    I’m sure that I don’t have any head-lice because my mum cones my hair everyday.

  27. Kaila M.

    my mum checks my hair

  28. Yedullah S.

    I’ll tell my mum to check my head every day

  29. Aamina B.

    I’m sure that I don’t have headlice

  30. Laura M.

    I do that every day

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