Graduation 2024

24 responses to “Graduation 2024”

  1. Zahra M.

    Hello Mrs Morris and Shaun,
    Is it possible to have the whole video of the graduation assembly posted that’s if it got recorded? It’ll be great if you could, thank you.
    Thank you to all the teachers at Broad Heath and all the best to all the children in their new secondary schools!

    Yaseen’s mum

    1. Mrs Morris

      Hi Mum
      I’ll need to double check with Shaun whether we recorded it all. I’ll let you know.

  2. Sabiha K.

    even though i am not in year 6 yet ( and i will next year) that video is stuck in my head now

  3. Aarav R.

    I will miss this school and all the friends I made throughout my time here
    Good bye broadheath

  4. Oluwadumininu O.

    Time flies but memories last Forever and I’ve had an amazing time 6R y’all will always have a place in my heart

  5. Nuha I.

    I loved watching the video and seeing everyone growing up. I will miss Broad Heath and my friends. I have made so many unforgettable memories at BH.🙂

  6. Yahya S.

    “Time flies over us, but leaves its shadow behind.”
    Thank you everyone for the memories and will miss you.

  7. Noah James-Scott

    It’s been a long day without you, my friend
    And I’ll tell you all about it when I see you again
    We’ve come a long way from where we began
    Oh, I’ll tell you all about it when I see you again
    When I see you again

    1. Mrs Morris

      We can sing this tomorrow, Noah!

  8. Maryam I.

    I will miss everyone all the teachers and freinds. Might even be the last time you ever see me due to me going to a boarding school.😭😭😭

  9. Aalya H.

    It was much fun in graduation and I loved the video I am gonna miss Broad heath so much and all the memories we have done all years ago I hope everyone has a good holiday and we’re all a broad heath pupil!😀❤️

  10. Lexi M.

    I am so happy I came to this school and am so sad we’re leaving now all the pupils and all the teachers here are amazing people I’m glad I’m moving but I’m quite upset I’m leaving this school I will come back every year for summer fairs.

  11. Caleb A.

    The video was so funny

  12. Ibraheem S.

    I was going to cry while watching the video it was iconic

  13. Aarav R.

    It was fun!!!

  14. Inayha H.

    Time has flown by really fast. I will miss broad heath

  15. Ramarni J.

    I will miss broad heath but good luck in the future guys!

  16. Ebenezer O.

    I was so sad during the graduation I will mis broadheath

  17. Asma Akbari

    I will miss broadheath and my friends

  18. Tipian I.

    Wow .
    “Time flies by with the yellow and blues.”
    I had amazing memories with my friends and families.
    I will miss you 6 white .

  19. Yedullah S.

    I will miss Broad heath and all my friends so much

  20. Hanfaa N.

    I hope you guys had a great graduation ceremony wish I could come Miss you all 6 R

  21. Tana I.

    It was soo emotional watching the video .
    I can’t believe we were growing up hereand now we’re leaving.
    Bye bye broad heath I will miss you so much.♡🥺

  22. Mrs Morris

    Shaun, thank you for getting this up so quickly.
    Year 6. What a lovely way to finish primary school.
    You are a remarkable group of children and we will miss you dearly.

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