Goodbye Classes of 2022!

Can you write a message to your class teacher about the values they have shown this year and how you have grown as a BH citizen.?


Have a great summer, see you on MONDAY 5th September. Take care.

150 responses to “Goodbye Classes of 2022!”

  1. Zaid M.

    Throughout my time in broad heath I have learned many things and gained many memories, my favourite being Dol y Moch. This last year has been amazing with dovedale, Drayton manor and more. Over the past few years, I really had a great time walking throughout city centre on trips such as transport museum and memorial park. I have also had a blast representing our school in competitions between schools in athletics and sports. My teachers have been incredibly kind for the past 7 years.

    1. Head Teacher

      So have you!

  2. Absi P.

    throughout the year we have been going to trips such as Drayton mannor ,the beach ,Stratford and much more throughout the year I’ve also enjoyed working because we had many different things to write in and colour in because of out teachers I have also showed the value of: tenacity,teamwork,resilience,empathy,resilience and much more.when I’ve reached year 6 my behaviour had really changed and I got a chance to be school council when I firstly arrived in year 6 I was really nervous that i would make mistakes but when I got in to year 6 I didint have much mistakes as I was in year 5 so I wanted to say thank you teachers for supporting me throughout the years. :D

    1. Head Teacher

      Top boy, you will go far,proud of you.

  3. Ouzair A.

    While I have been at Broad Heath I have had a lot of good memories one of my fondest is in Reception when we went to Santa’s place and we got a present. I have now been at this school for 7 years, and I have had so many fun adventures like when we went Drayton Manor.

    1. Head Teacher

      Our present is having you attend this school.

  4. Aamina B.

    In year 6 our mantra has been ‘Creativity takes courage’.
    We have had to show the values of creativity and individuality.One special moment that I have used this value was when we created our first double-page spreads in year 6. I was able to express my creativity in a variety of subjects and became a great individual.Throughout my time here a Broad Heath I have gained many special memories such as our End of Year 6 and Glastonbury!
    At this wonderful school I have enjoyed trips right from reception such as Weston-Super-Mare,Drayton Manor, Twycross Zoo,Dovedale and many more!
    Thank you teachers and staff for all the help and support you have provided! And also all those activities like RockKidz and the workshops that made our lessons great fun! (My favourite one was the graffiti workshop in Year 6)!

    1. Head Teacher

      What a girl, what a journey!

  5. Bolu

    During my time at broad heath , I gained so many skills and memories . I do not want to leave the school but I just want to say thank you to Mrs Frankish for all the amazing trips like : Dol-Y-Moch , the beach and Drayton manor . Thank you Miss Vega, Mrs Jones ,Mrs janjua and Mr Inman for being my year 6 teachers thank you for all the encouragement .

    1. Head Teacher

      I want to thank you for the most amazing performance, keep being creative Bolu.

  6. Muhammad R.

    It finally that time has come Year 6 are going to leave yes mr Inman we are matured up and ready for year 7 this means we have been fowlowing the school values and honestly I am not going to forget one thing Mrs Frankish has said all this time I’ve in broad Heath TO GAIN.One last GOOD BYE broad Heath and all the teacher.

    1. Muhammad R.

      The meromies
      I remember I first joined when I was shy and nervous but all these I have gained and never gave up I had ups and down with teacher but still had fun

    2. Head Teacher

      You have gained County Champion..keep building on this.

  7. Armaan M.

    Dear Miss Vega,

    So far in this year, you have taught me many subjects, not all as PE, swimming, music, computing, Spanish, etc, etc, have been taught by some new some old teachers. However, in these few school hours, I have used many values, possibly all! This all, (most likely) has changed me as a person making me exceedingly more polite to those of which I do not know. You have co-led us to differing trips throughout this year, proving your leader ship skills, and improving our leadership skills. This target demographic doesn’t only include you, but all of the year 6 staff who have individually, made us all better citizens/individuals. Thank you for all that you have completed for us in 2021/2022,

    Yours sincerely,

    Armaan M.

    1. Head Teacher

      Armaan .top student!

  8. Marwa H.

    This year our mantra has been creativity takes courage.
    We had to use the value creativity. I have used the value in many subjects and events such as designing costumes for the play.
    At Broad Heath I’ve overcome and achieved a lot of memories one of the brightest being Glastonbury.
    My final year here, in this amazing school, I have enjoyed the teamwork and coordination we put together as a team.
    My favourite trip is Drayton manor because I love to overbecome obstacles!

    1. Head Teacher

      You are a top hurdler.You do overcome obstacles. Thanks for the hug!

  9. Afsana K.

    When I think about my time at Broad Heath I would sum it up as fun, incredible and an amazing adventure because during my time here, our teachers have kept the lessons fun and educational also making sure we try our best throughout the year. It is incredible because the teachers and staff always care for us eg when we are feeling under the weather, feeling troubled and if we are hurt. They are really the best! My time at Broad Heath is like an adventure because you never know what we are going to learn and we experience different emotions along the way. The themes of our classroom are out of this world. In Year 6 Red the theme is wonderland and when I was in Year 4 Red, the theme was the BFG. We have enjoyed amazing trips and events too. In particular in Year 6, we have gone Dovedale, Drayton Manor and Glastonbury. It has been a journey of emotions. Overall I have gained the values: teamwork, knowledge, communication and resilience though my experience at this phenomenal school. I am sad that my time at Broad Heath has come to an end but I am excited to carry the BH values into my new school.

    1. Head Teacher

      The adventure is still ongoing and you have been a great character in the story. X

  10. Rahaniya S.

    When I think about my time at broad heath I would sum it up as:fun,enjoyable,exciting.

    During my time at broad heath I had so much fun.

    I am sad that my time at BH has come to an end but I am excited to carry the BH values into new school.

    1. Head Teacher

      You have the skills to do well, be truthful, honest and proud. X

  11. Sabah S.

    Thank You for all the amazing, heartfelt and fond memories I have had throughout my 8 years at Broad Heath. During my time at this hardworking school, I have most enjoyed theme days and trips such as: Mexican day, Egyptian Day, Coombe Abbey Orienteering, Dovedale & Drayton Manor.
    The vital values I have learnt in Broad Heath are, communication and empathy as you have to communicate if you want to do something and to get to know others – we also need empathy to understand others.
    Overall I have gained confidence at this school because other people are kind to me.
    ‘Once a broadheather, always a broadheather’.

    1. Head Teacher

      You will always be a true Broad Heather..look after the chickens because new life and challenges start from little eggs. You are ace.

  12. Esha A.

    During my time at Broad Heath, the trips were very enjoyable to go to Drayton Manor park with my friends.
    Some rides Drayton Manor some of the rides were terrifying but some of them were lots of fun. We all had a laugh and we all had fun!
    In particular in year 6, Dovedale was fun everyone went up the mountains I remember when I nearly fell of the mountain when we tooks pictures.
    Overall I have gained, learning how to but commas in there right places in English.
    In maths I learned more about algebra.
    In Science we learnt about how the heart was made and the blood cells run around in your body we made blood cell.
    All the other subjects were lots fun to!
    I will really miss Broad Heath a lot.

    1. Head Teacher

      Just be truthful, honest and proud and you’ll smash it Esha.

  13. Mishal N.

    I am very sad that my time at BH has came to an end but I’m am very excited to carry the BH values into my secondary school, it has been a pleasure to be on trips , having themed days. I would like to appreciate every minute I have had with my class , the teachers. Even when Mrs Ahmed or Mrs Sharma have been in a bad mood she still pays attention to us . They have been very nice and very helpful. A BIG THANK YOU TO ALL TEACHERS WHO HAVE HELPED ME THROUGH SATS. I will miss you Mrs Ahmed and Mrs Sharma and the class . It is very sad to say goodbye to this class. Just always remember , “WE’ RE MAD WE’RE BONKERS BUT GUESS WHAT? THE BEST PEOPLE ARE IN 6 RED”.
    I will always remember Glastonbury, Drayton Manor . The main value I’ve used during lessons is , brilliance. It has been pleasure to have you in my class . I will miss you Mrs Ahmed and Mrs Sharma and the children . Goodbye 😭

    1. Head Teacher

      A little diamond that has always shone brightly.

  14. Saffiyah K.

    When I think about my time at Broad Heath I would sum it up as: exciting,
    fun and enjoyable.
    During my time at Broad Heath I have enjoyed the trips and all the fun thing we have done such as:Glastonbury and the SATS party.
    In particular in Year 6 I think Drayton Manor was really nice.
    Overall I have gained in being confident.
    I am sad that my time so BH has come to an end but I am excited to carry the BH values in my new school.

    1. Head Teacher

      I am proud and honoured by your words, you have been ace.

  15. Saira S.

    My time at Broad Heath would be summed up as: enjoyable,memorable and much more. During my time at Broad Heath, I have been introduced to many teachers and staff.

    In particular in Year 6, I have enjoyed dovedale because i liked climbing the mountain peak.
    Overall I have gained more knowledge on how to cope with the real world.

    I am very sad that my time at Broad Heath has come to an end but I am excited to carry the BH values into my new school.

    Once a Broad Heather,Always a Broad Heather!

    1. Head Teacher

      Keep climbing those mountains and conquering them Saira x

  16. Laura M.

    When I think about my time at Broad Heath I would sum it up as: A good school and there is also a lot of good , nice people. I will be sad when leaving this good school. – Uthmaan

    When I think about my time at Broad Heath I would sum it up as: It was a pleasure to be in this fantastic school and I won’t forget the great 7 years with you !! And I’m so grateful for all the phenomenal trips I have been to.

    I am sad that my time at Broad Heath has come to an end but I am excited to go to my secondary school proud carrying the BH values!!

  17. Marley H.

    I love BH and all of the trips and also the teachers the time at BH in year 6 levers play was great I’m so grateful that I’m in the best school in Coventry I love that I’m in the BH family the values are good standers I sad to leave but that’s life kind regards Marley tata

    1. Head Teacher

      BH is here for you Marley, keep giving and being you.

  18. Harroop S.

    During my time at Broad Heath I would sum it up as: A lifetime experience as we have had so many activities, trips prepared for us.

    In particular in Year 6, I loved the events set up for us and it is very sad that we are leaving this school starting our new journey to KS3.

    Overall I have gained, and will be gaining through out secondary school the different values and continue applying the skills I have learnt at BH .

    I am sad that my time at BH is coming to an end but a huge thank you to all the teachers who have helped me soar through the year. Thankyou.

    1. Head Teacher

      You have flown and grown Haroop.

  19. Aayan M.

    When I think about my time at Broad Heath I will sum it up as: the best 7 years of my journey in primary.

    During my time in Broad Heath I have enjoyed the themed days, celebrations/awards, trips and many more exciting moments we have done in my 7 years at Broad Heath primary school.

    In particular in year 6, I have enjoyed the moments like Abdullah Abbas falling at dovedale to going to Drayton manor and much more hilarious moments.

    Overall I have gained lots and lots of knowledge and resilience into my work.

    I am sad that my time at BH has come to an end but I am excited to carry the BH values into my new school.

  20. Abdullah A.

    Mrs Ahmed has helped me to become a role – model to the youngsters for 2 years and is a very kind teacher who has a lot of patients for each and every pupil. Mrs Sharma has helped me with my work whenever I am struggling. Overall I have gained a lot of things. E.G. Manners, intelligent skills. I am sad that my time at Broad Heath has come to an end. A memory that I won’t forget is when I went rolling dovedale. I will miss this school and won’t forget the memories that I have made with my friends and teachers especially my Citizen of the year award. Thank you Mrs Frankish and staff for helping me with my learning.

    1. Head Teacher

      What a journey, rocky start but the finale has been outstanding.

  21. Mohammad A.

    During my time at Broad-heath I would say it has been an amazing experience as we learned a lot which will help us in our future studies. Also we’ve had lots of trips from comme-abbey in nursery to Draytor manor in year 6.It has been a thrilling ride but sadly it is coming to an end and we will use all we’ve learned in secondary school to be the best we can be and excel at everything.

    1. Head Teacher

      What a great ride, just sublime.

  22. Lisa C.

    When I think about my time at broad heath I would it up as: FUN EXCITING ADVENTUROUS CARING TEAMWORK!!

    During my time at broad I have made some much memories and Learnt so much things broad heath will always be in my heart.

    In particular in year 6 I had some opportunities like being a school council
    And going Dove dove dale and going on football trips.

    I am sad that my time at broad heath is done but I had some much memories thank you to all and Mrs Frankish .

    1. Head Teacher

      Lisa what a star, yiu have added to the BH culture. X

  23. Aayan S.

    My time In Broad heath has been amazing even though I only joined in year 4 I have made so many amazing memories throughout such as the year 5 canal trip, oh yeah dovedale where we were clutching onto rocks, and then the residential trip Dol Y Moch and my favourite was Drayton manor going on all the scary rides and helping my peers face their fears of going on the rides!

    1. Head Teacher

      You have been an ace student.

  24. Ravi J.

    When I think about my time at Broad Heath, I would sum it up as; indescribable and out of the world.
    During my time at Broad Heath, (8 years) I have experienced countless event that many students from other schools have not experienced.
    In particular, in year 6, I have most enjoyed our trip to Drayton Manor as we have worked very hard through SATS.
    I am sad that my time at BH has come to an end, but I am excited to carry the BH values and legacy in my new chapter in life.

  25. Xavier M.

    My teachers this year were the best as they show kindness and respect to everyone.They always help me when I need it. I am sad that my time in BH has come to an end well we will always carry the BH values into our new schools. Broad Heath primary school been a pleasure to me thank you teachers for everything.

  26. Ridwan U.

    During skills academy today I was inspired to write this rap about the end of school. It’s for all the teachers and children at Broad Heath.

    My life’s like a book cause I’m on the next chapter,
    My brain moving on just like it’s a raptor,
    It’s just a factor,
    This amazing school is filled with happiness and laughter,

    To always gain is what they said,
    To have a good mindset is what I read,
    Cause we all have a great future ahead,
    Always try to stay with your team instead.

    It was so much fun on Wednesday 20.
    It was the date of BH Glastonbury.
    This school is like your big family.
    We are not enemies we are a team.

    Year six is the final and last year.
    All the tears of joy appear,
    Your final times have come near
    All the fun times are good here.

    1. Mrs Ahmed

      Amazing! Your poetry/ rap writing will be greatly missed but I hope to see your work published in years to come! You’re a talented boy Ridwan! Good luck in your future :)

      1. Ridwan U.

        Thank you mrs, if I do I’ll get you a copy for free if I can, and to every teacher.
        BH was a great experience and a very good opportunity.

        1. Head Teacher

          You were an ace addition x

  27. Roma M.

    Hi bestie (Mr Janjua)
    Thank you for supporting me and alway be there for me and I had really fun in year 6 and I loved this school and I will miss this school I hope you are ok and having fun

    1. Roma M.

      For another year 6

  28. Maryam M.

    Miss Khaliq has shown the value of kindness to all the children .
    Miss Walker has shown the value of respect to Miss khaliq.

  29. Rahima J.

    My teacher has shown knowledge when he teaches us especially during the weeks towards SATS.

  30. Zaynab M.

    Dear Mrs Khaliq and Mrs Walker
    I have shown tenacity because in TTRS I have shown that value

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