Goodbye Classes of 2022!

Can you write a message to your class teacher about the values they have shown this year and how you have grown as a BH citizen.?


Have a great summer, see you on MONDAY 5th September. Take care.

150 responses to “Goodbye Classes of 2022!”

  1. Arfa S.

    I am gonna miss you a lot it is going to be 6 weeks summer holidays.
    You ate the best teacher . You have shown kindness, respect
    and happiness.
    Thank you 🌺

  2. Mohammed K.

    Mr’s Khaliq is an amazing teacher.The values which they have shown us is Respect,Tenacity and kindness.Respect because my table help me.
    Tenacity because someone times they make mistakes and they try it again.
    Kindness because I help people

  3. Yalda N.

    My teacher is not strict or mean and gets upset at certain moments but tries his best to hide it. Although he still hasn’t sang I still wish him the best of luck on his journey.

  4. My teacher has shown respect ,empathy and patience as when we have done something bad they waited for us to answer them and they showed us empathy when we were in need for support

    By James And Jacob.

    1. I have grown as a person in broadheath by in Year 4 I only knew my 2,3,5,10,11 times table then in year 5 I learnt my 6,7(most of them)12,8 and 9’s and in SATs I didn’t think I could pass but I got greater depth in 2 things.

  5. Rida W.

    Thank you Mr Janjua and Mrs Jones for making progress in us and pushing us when we need pushing and for leading us. I must also thank you for all the hard work you have put into us.

    Thank you from Aleena and Rida

  6. Aaron G.

    Mrs walker has shown kindness and respect.

  7. Keaton O.

    Mrs kaliq I showed the value of kindness by helping my friends and teachers

  8. Elyas S.

    The values I have used this year is communication in PE and Resilience, not giving up in SATs and Teamwork.I have grown as a BH citizen because I have used the BH values.

  9. Harrison S.

    Good bye I will miss you 🥰 and you are amazing 😻 and good luck 🤞 miss kaliq

  10. Reece T.

    I have enjoyed being in broad heath with amazing teachers and teacher assistants

  11. Shabaz

    I have enjoyed my time at Broad Heath since February 2017 with winning the brick wall and having the best teachers in the school.

    1. Shabaz

      The values that I have included since Year 1 would be perseverance, tenacity, knowledge and imagination. All of the teachers and LSA have been great.

  12. Zaeem J.

    Mrs Walker has shown respect to Mrs Khaliq and tenacity.
    Mrs Khaliq has shown kindness and teamwork with Mrs Walker.

  13. Anaya R.

    My teachers have shown the values of honesty and kindness by if I fall down or get hurt they will help me.

  14. Ravi P.

    I’ve become a citizen by showing kindness at home By me helping others. Because someone fall. And I help them

  15. Rhema E.

    The values I have shown this year is tenacity , kindness , honesty, creativity, communication and creativity. I will miss all of you guys and I will miss Mrs Ahmed because when ever I needed help with my work, she is always ready to help me and is such a loving teacher.I will also miss Mrs Shama because when I had first came back to BH , I was struggling to keep track on the learning with everyone, but it was hard then, but because she has helped me, now I don’t struggle with my work.

  16. Ahmad R.

    I have shown teamwork because I help my friend

  17. Harris B.

    Mr Janjua

    I hope you had a happy time with 6 blue, we all had fun with you
    you play football with us you played other sports with us, it’s gonna
    be a hard time without you. I hope you will have a happy trip and a
    Journey. You’re the best teacher.

    From Harris.

    1. Mr Janjua

      What a lovely comment Harris! Good luck with the next stage of your journey, I wish you all the best! Keep listening and I am sure you will have success :)

  18. Ramandeep K.

    Mrs khaliq and Mrs walker have shown the value of kindness by helping us whenever and teaching us. They also have shown imagination by getting creative ideas of how to explain it to us. I have grown up by learning different and more things.

  19. Khadeeja M.

    Mrs Khaliq you are the best you have shown the value kindness.
    Thank you.

  20. Zoe E.

    I will miss you very much even though you will be next door. I used Resilience by helping people when they are hurt and improving my maths skills. I am a great citizen because I help people and use the school values.

  21. Adam O.

    Thank you for showing kindness to us and respecting us by teaching us lots of subjects and learning.

    See you later❤️

  22. Hamsia D.

    My teachers have shown the BH value kindness by helping us when we need help. I have grown in a BH citizen by never giving up and helping others.

  23. Ilyas I.

    Some values my class has shown throughout this year are tenacity, resilience, imagination, respect and kindness through this year. I have grown as a Broad Heath citizen by becoming more positive brave and resilient. Goodbye and good luck!

    1. Ilyas I.

      I enjoyed all the opportunities to learn and grow and celebrate our hard work such as Dovedale, Drayton Manor and the Glastonbury at. Thank you to all the teachers for putting in a lot of effort so that we could gain. I am sad that I am leaving but am also very grateful for how we have all gained.

      1. Head Teacher

        Keep on gaining IIyas, the letter you wrote is very close to my heart.x

  24. Leyad R.

    Hello Mr Janjua,

    Thank you for teaching me and supporting me during those hard times. You have been Brilliant and a supportive person so thank you.

  25. Alinna A.

    I use teamwork by working as a team and help each other.and I used tenacity by improving my handwriting .

  26. Marley H.

    I’ve learned at bh is the values honesty teamwork empathy communication and kindness and knowledge I’ve love broad heath but it sad to leave ☺️

  27. Mustafa A.

    Mrs Khaliq has showed the values tenacity,resilience , kindness and respect.
    Mrs Walker showed the value tenacity, resilience and teamwork with us and mrs kaliq

  28. Amirah T.

    Mrs Khaliq and Mrs Walker have shown the values of respect by respecting us and listening to our opinions. They have also used the values of honesty by being truthful and telling us everything. I will really miss them.

  29. Meena B.

    My teachers have been really kind this year. I feel like I don’t want to leave year 3 anymore.I love staying with my teachers but at least I’ll see them in year 4. I don’t wanna leave! They are respectful kind and always help me when ever I need help.❤️❤️ They have been very good teachers and I will really miss them.

  30. Sabiha K.

    Mrs Khaliq has shown kindness, resilience and teamwork with Mrs Walker.
    Mrs Walker has shown kindness, tolerance and respect with Mrs Khaliq.

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