Below is a selection of Gakonga’s artwork. Which do you like? Which do you dislike. Please explain your answers with comments on the colours, tone, emotion or content of the picture.

53 responses to “Gakonga – Likes and Dislikes”

  1. Aadam R.

    I Like the art of Gankas art bacuse I Like the torL won

  2. Raeesa M.

    The colours are so beautiful I love it I love it the one that is that is dancing and I love the one about all the colourful I love every single one of them

  3. Yasmin A.

    The dance is fun and people who love them more often or even with their

  4. Alya M.

    We’ve been learning in class and it was so amazing we even dance like and we liked it so much that we are gonna do it again we love It😍😚😙😗🤓🤓😏🥳😟😟🥳🙃

  5. Aadam R.

    I Like the art of Gankas art bacuse I Like the backroads.

  6. Alya M.

    And I love you so so beautiful rightI love it because it looks Looks So Artist and So like Looks like the It looks like Looks like the KONGOS art🇷🇸👳🏿‍♂️😋🥰

  7. Arjun G.

    I like gakonga’s art because He used lots of shaps

  8. Yasmin A.

    I like gakonga this picture is so much fun

  9. Raeesa M.

    I love the Congers art it’s so beautiful nice and colourful

  10. Aiza B.

    I like the one with the wiggle trees I like the colour of the boats

  11. Safwan A.

    Picture looks amazing I love I love how it looks looks

    1. Safwan A.

      Gakon art

    2. Safwan A.

      Gakonga art

  12. Mr Carter

    I like Gakonga’s work because it is bright and colourful. I also like how the people seem to be having fun with music and dance.

  13. Jari V.

    I luth the one with the schriqss and the one that I thislic is the one

  14. Musa B.

    I like the one thats blue bicuse it is my fbrote Color

  15. Sandra A.

    I like the green dress because is my favourite and pink skirt is my favourite

  16. Minnah M.

    I Like the green dress and the pink shirt because is my favourite to me

  17. Sandra A.

    I like the green dress because is my favourite and pink skirt is my favourite

  18. Nick C.

    I like the right one because it has a lots of colours

  19. Muhammad K.

    I like the blue one in the middle because the dress is so cute and nice

  20. Halimah K.

    I Like The blue one

  21. Yusuf S.

    I like the one which has bots

  22. Faris B.

    Like the BlakPika

  23. Isaiah W.

    1#I Like the one wife zig zag but l do Like the big blow one 2#. The big bot one is different from zig zag.

  24. Eliza N.

    I dislike the 8th one because I don’t like the fact that the people had little lins in there head. I like the 6th one because it looks so amazing with all of the colers.

  25. Muhammed H.

    I Like the stand one whith the jrum .I don’t Like the people who Dansing.

  26. Alisha S.

    I like the one with zigzags because the zigzags are colourful and I like the people on it.I dislike the man playing the drum because he is to tall that I can’t see it.

  27. Neda S.

    I like the one with the drum and pink short because it’s cute and the drum
    Is colour full with the light colours.
    I dislike the last one because it’s black and I don’t like the possison.

  28. Minnah M.

    I don’t like the one on the right because it looks small and it has a green
    skirt.I like the one that’s banging the drum because purple skirt.

  29. Eesaa A.

    I like the picture of the four people because they are dancing.
    I dislike the zigzag picture because I don’t like zigzags.

  30. Toleen S.

    I like the one with the blue dress because it is in a funny possision
    I dislike the 8th picture because they are boys not girls

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