G7 Week in 4 Blue

What a lovely week in 4 Blue! Watch our video to see what we learnt.

What was your favourite part of the week?

Tell me a popular sport in Italy.

Who was Leonardo Da Vinci?

Tell me a fact about Italy?

How is G7 working to help reduce climate change?

3 responses to “G7 Week in 4 Blue”

  1. Ali A.

    1.My favourite part of the week was when designed our Venice Carnival masks.
    2.A popular sport in Italy is Rugby.
    3.Leonardo Di Vinci is a artist who drew and painted the Famous Mona Lisa.
    4. A fact about Italy is the the Tower of Pisa was leaning before it was built and that is why it is called the Leaning Tower of Pisa.
    5.They are helping climate change by having debates about how they can help stop climate change.

  2. Umar S.

    1)My favourite part of the week is when we play rugby.
    2)Rugby is popular sport in italy.
    3)Leonardo Da vinci was an artist and engineer who made mona lisa.
    4)One of the famous landark of italy is the leaning tower of pisa.
    5)They are working to make electric car for good enviroment and banned the patrol and diesel cars.

  3. Saffa M.

    Making the renaissance art because it was when you could be a little creative
    One of the most famous sports in Italy is rugby
    Leonardo Da Vinci is the person who made mona lisa
    The renaissqnce started in Italy
    By going around the would as a team and the make lots of debats to change the world

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