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Following class rules – Reception.

Reception have been reflecting on our class rules. They thought about the importance of our rules and why we need to follow them each day in Reception.

Why is it important to follow the rules?
how can you follow the school rules to be a good Broad Heath Citizen?

4 responses to “Following class rules – Reception.”

  1. Hosanna N.

    We need to follow the rules so we can be safe.We need to have kind mouths,kind feet and kind hands.We also need to listen and have manners when answering to our teachers.
    Said Hosanna

  2. Adam K.

    Adam said because our friends don’t get hurt and we don’t want to hurt our friends it’s not kind.
    Adam said to keep hands and feet to myself, use kind words, come with big smile, do lots of good learning and follow school rules.

  3. Aaron R.

    You have to stop, look and listen because it keeps us safe!
    I can help people.

  4. Rayyan R.

    Please record every child’s response thankyou.It will be good to know that they are learning atleast something and gaining confidence.

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