Entrepreneur Week in 2Blue!

Welcome to Entrepreneur Week!
This week, the children will delve into entrepreneurship. This week, they will focus on The Cadbury Brothers and chocolate!
I wonder what they will discover?

What is an entrepreneur?

Who were the Cadbury brothers?

When I am older, what do I want to be?
Science investigation time!

What is our favourite chocolate?

Are we chocolatiers?

To design a new chocolate

Where are cocoa beans grown?

4 responses to “Entrepreneur Week in 2Blue!”

  1. Zayan J.

    Entrepreneur is someone who starts a business and is hoping to get money

  2. Hadi A.

    I’m having really good fun and I’m loving learning about the company but rather love when we melted the chocolate eating etc

  3. Hosanna N.

    1)An entrepreneur is a person who makes and sells things.
    2) Cadbury brother’s are brothers that make their own chocolate factory.
    3)When I grow up I want to be a doctor or a manager.
    4)Cocoa are grown in cocoa tree.

  4. Ziad H.

    1 .An entrepreneur some kind of thing we can get seled

    2.The Cadbury brothers how owns a chocolete factory

    3.When i am big i want to be a footballer

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