Earth Day is a day in which people around the globe show their support for environmental protection. This day has occurred every year for the last 42 years, and is recognised in 193 countries. Now is your chance to get involved and do something to show your care for the world around us! How many ‘Acts of Green’ can you complete?

Activity Idea: Poem

Can you create a poem about looking after our environment/planet? Think about rhyming patterns and imagery. How can you make an impact on the reader? Think about emotions and include a powerful message.

Activity Idea: Earth Day Window Sign/Poster

Can you get crafty and create a window display to remind people about Earth Day? Ensure that it is bright and colourful, using images that we associate with our planet and how we can look after it. Perhaps you could show a contrast of how our planet may look if we don’t take care, and how it would if we did? Be creative, make it bright and bold!

Activity Idea – Grow Your Own! (Sustainability)

Challenge yourselves (and your grown ups) to grow something in the garden or on the balcony that you can eat. Some plants, such as herbs, can even be grown indoors! Grow your own, pick your own, and share with us how you enjoyed your produce!

Activity Idea- Build a cardboard tube bird feeder.

Get creative and make your own bird feeder to feed the local wildlife in your back garden!

You will need: String, Scissors, Birdseed, Peanut butter, Barbeque Skewer Toilet paper roll or cardboard tube.

Watch and follow the video below.

Activity Idea- Create a bottled hanging garden!

Get creative to create a cute hanging garden.

You will need: Pencil, scissors, string and a clean plastic bottle.

Watch and follow this video:

Send us a photo of your amazing work by clicking here!

46 responses to “Celebrating Earth Day – Friday 22nd April 2022”

  1. Luxor A.

    Thank you for this information.

  2. Sadeen S.

    I will try and make something.

  3. Gufran E.

    I have done my poem

  4. Meena B.

    Did you see my poster that I made for earth day?
    I think I sent a picture of it did you see it?
    I really want to know because I did send you one.

    1. Mrs Khaliq

      We haven’t received it Meena. Can you send it again please?

  5. Samanta V.


  6. Arfa S.

    I am gonna try to make a hanging planter and send a photo.🌺

    1. Mrs Khaliq

      Good girl Arfa, I can’t wait to see it!

  7. Khadeeja M.

    In my allotment I planted vegetables and fruits.
    I will send pictures 📷 of them.

    1. Mrs Khaliq

      This looks amazing Khadeeja. Why do you think it is important that we grow our own vegetables?

      1. Khadeeja M.

        I think I is important to plant vegetables because the 🌎 world will be heathly

        1. Khadeeja M.

          I think it is important to plant vegetables because the world will be healthy

  8. Mishal N.

    I have sent it !
    I planted: tomatoes,peas,potatoes!

    1. Mrs Khaliq

      Well done Mishal, great work!

  9. Rahaniya S.

    Hi everyone I hope that everyone is having nice holidays Happy earth day 🌍🏝

  10. Xavier M.

    I did my bottled hanging garden! should i send it

    1. Mrs Khaliq

      That would be amazing! Well done.

  11. Saee N.

    Ok Miss Elkin I will do it.

  12. Jasmine P.

    Thank you

  13. Jasmine P.

    Thank yo

  14. Mishal N.

    I grew my own potatoes and some peas!

    1. Mrs Khaliq

      What a superstar. Can you send in any photos? We would love to see them!

  15. Meena B.

    Maybe I’ll make a poster.
    I have no idea but I’ll make a poster and use all my skills into my poster.
    I’ll try do it as hard as I can.
    I will try to make a poster about earth I’ll maybe do drawings and write facts about how special earth really is and how lucky we are to be in earth.

  16. Sana N.

    I will make a Earth day poster.

  17. Aamina B.

    I will make a Earth Day poster and send it through the SharePoint!
    Also,just a few days ago we made built our very own bird feeder using lolly pop sticks!

    1. Mrs Khaliq

      Can’t wait to see your poster Aamina! Do you think you could send in a photo of your bird feeder too? We would love to see it!

  18. Zaynab M.

    Thank you MRS Frankish for telling me

  19. Zaynab M.

    ok! but what day?

    1. Head Teacher

      22nd April which is a Friday?

  20. Meena B.

    What is earth day?
    Earth day is when Earth is special and is special to the hole world.
    Earth day is a day in which people around the globe show their support for environmental protection.
    What is so special about the Earth?
    The earth is special and makes us survive we can have houses, gardens and everything you can have water in the earth.
    Just everything there is shops you can go to get stuff from there to survive.
    The Earth is really special some people don’t know how special it really is.
    What can we do on Earth day?
    We can creat things like drawing on posters and be kind on the entire World and we can celebrate the celebration of happy Earth day.

  21. Tipian I.

    I will upload it

  22. Sumayyah A.

    Okay I will try to do one nearby the time

  23. Aysha R.

    Ok I will make a poster for earth day

  24. Kaif B.

    I will do it

  25. Myiesha S.

    What is earth day?
    How do we celabrate earth day?
    What is so special about earth day?
    What is so important to earth day?
    What could we do on earth day?
    My prediction.
    My predictio Isthat earth day when you celabrate when the earth is so special to all of the people in the whole wide world.
    Could you give me an example of a earth day information.

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