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Dol-y-Moch Infomation for parents – Update 17.06.24

Only six more sleeps until Dol-y-Moch. The staff cannot wait to go and I know the children are just as excited.
Reminder: Please be in school by 1:25pm. You will need to have eaten before you arrive. The school will be locked so please make sure you have gone to the toilet before arriving.
All medication to be given to staff upon arrival. I have the signed sheets for administration.
Children can be collected on Thursday once they are back at approximately 1pm – 130pm (please keep your eye on the blog).
Children must be in school on Friday.
Many thanks for your continued support.

Thank you for your time this afternoon.
Please find the presentation that was shared.
Any questions, please get in touch.

Just to confirm, the adults accompanying this trip are: Mrs Morris, Mrs Davison, Mr Kane and Mrs Masters. Mr Andrews will be with us on Sunday and Monday.

12 responses to “Dol-y-Moch Infomation for parents – Update 17.06.24”

  1. Tala I.

    What time will they arrive at dolly martch Miss Morris’s

  2. Rhia H.

    Hello, do I need to bring a pack lunch for the trip

    1. Mrs Morris

      Have lunch before you come. I’ll bring biscuits for the stop. You’ll get dinner when we arrive.

  3. Diana D.

    Mrs Morris , do we have to give sunscreen as well to the staff? Cause I got a bit confused when I looked at that side.

    1. Mrs Morris

      You will need to bring your own suncream and be able to apply it yourself. Consider the spray one that I spoke to you about.

      1. Diana D.

        Thank you , my mum showed me how to apply the cream one
        Sorry , please don’t forget my car sickness tablets 😄

        1. Mrs Morris

          They’re in the bag already. I could only return them to an adult anyway, Diana. See you tomorrow.

  4. Maryam N.

    Hi and thanks for the information, we will be packing soon is there a checklist we can refer to? Thanks

    1. Mrs Morris

      Have a look through the PowerPoint on here and it tells you what to bring.

  5. Tipian I.

    Thank you

  6. Sarah A.

    Thank you for the information

  7. Tana I.

    Thank you for the information I found this useful and I CANNOT WAIT to go to DOL Y MOCH. ♡

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