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Dol-y-Moch Gallery Mrs Morris’s group

What a week. As a teacher, I have been on this trip many times. I don’t think I have ever been more proud of a group of children. Their behaviour and manners were exemplary and they all overcame obstacles they didn’t think were possible. Well done to every single one of you.

13 responses to “Dol-y-Moch Gallery Mrs Morris’s group”

  1. Safya S.

    Hope you guys had a good time

  2. Aayan S.

    Dol Y Moch was AWESOME my favourite part of the whole experience is kayaking and watching someone fall in the lake and nearly collapsing whilst climbing up mol y gest. But if it wasn’t for Connor we wouldn’t have been laughing and solving riddles that much. So thank you for the amazing experience.

  3. Shabaz

    The trip to Plas Dol-y Moch was interesting. During this time, I have met many people in Willenhall. My favourite evening activity was the labyrinth and my favourite group activity was kayaking and orienteering(orientate, location and destination).

  4. Yahya K.

    I loved staying at dol y moch as it was a great learning experience also the staff that came with was very helpful my favourite activity was kayaking and mountain climbing I learnt how to live with a bunch of people.

  5. Aayan M.

    WOW! What a week. I really enjoyed the climbing the mountain as it was challenging however we used resilience climbing up and down the moy y gest. Orienteering was awesome we used the map finding are way back to the camp. I also got out of my comfort zone interacting with other children.

  6. Umaiza T.

    My favourite was when we did the rock climbing and the mountain climbing because it helped me get out of my comfort zone and get over my fear of heights. I also loved the kayaking because it was fun to learn new things we probably haven’t done before. I wish I could go again as it was fun. I also learnt new skills. I thank the staff for letting us have a chance to go. Thank you Mrs Morris.

  7. James H.

    This was a fun trip and the activity’s were fantastic to do and thanks to our parents and miss Frankish and the staff that went with us we wouldn’t be able to go and do all these fun things and it was a time to adventure and spend time with our friends my favourite part about Doly Moch was the rock climbing and the funny part about Doly Moch was when someone tipped over the boat and fell in the water

  8. Alina B.

    I really enjoyed going out of my comfort zone and doing lots of new like climbing a mountain and canoeing. I also liked the teachers that went with as they laughed and helped us improve.My favourite part was when we did orienteering in the forest and be independent finding our way back to doly moch this helped my social skills and made me more comfortable with the people around me. Whilst climbing the mountain I realised to be responsible for what you do.

  9. Steven N.

    I have really enjoyed dolly moch a lot! I loved kayaking a lot at dolly moch and while orienteering I have learnt how to read maps and have learnt an acronym Orientation location destination

  10. Abubaker

    I was really fun and that I have overcome my fear of hights and the activity I found the most the fun was knooing and oreantiring and make a bed in 2 minutes.

  11. Yousuf I.

    I enjoyed climbing the mountain and learned new skills such as tidying and kayaking and it has improved my social skills and meeting other people from different schools.The staff that came with us were helpful and kind .

  12. Saira S.

    Well done for completing all of the activities . If i was to climb that mountain, I would have been so scared and would not have gotten to the top.Another well done for being resilient by trying again and not giving up.

  13. Aamina B.

    The activities you guys have done look incredible!
    Hope you guys had fun and enjoyed your stay! :D

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