Another wonderful day in Wales! The children continue to impress us with their resilience and determination. Today, we’ve been on a gorge walk, kayaked ok the lake, some have walked up a mountain and others have gone in a mine – we’ve even managed to get the England game on. What a day!

20 responses to “Dol-y-Moch Day 2”

  1. Aarav R.

    I saw saw zeyd tip in the lake 😈

  2. Tana I.

    The mountain walk was tiring and the mine was freezing and scary.
    I can’t believe the england game was 0-0.
    What a shame

  3. Tipian I.

    Thank you for sharing my and other pupils picture

  4. Tipian I.

    Going in the mine was a bit fun but it was so cold .
    It was cool when we ate in th emine wi the only candles but when we had to sit in complete darkness that was scary.

  5. Noah James-Scott

    I loved the water so much.

  6. Ebenezer O.

    That looked so fun 🤩

  7. Isaiah W.

    We’re glad your all having so much fun!
    Can wait for you to come home Noah!

  8. Arfa S.

    Glad to see all the children enjoying. Have more fun.

  9. Maryam N.

    Thank you for taking the time to share what you can, looks like everyone is having a great time with of those lovely smiles, can’t wait to see you on Thursday Maryam ! x

  10. Flourish A.

    I hope your having fun Tips and the girls

  11. Hudayifah A.

    Wsp kamil

  12. Hudayifah A.

    Wsp Markus and elyas

  13. Flourish A.

    I am so happy for you guys😃 I can’t wait to see more pictures And i hope you have fun today 🏄🏼‍♀️🏂

  14. Abul-Qasim H.

    Have a good day at dol-y-Moch and enjoy the match or the one that’s coming up

  15. Mohamed E.

    Wow you guys are having an wonderfull time I love seeing my friends happy in that picture have an good day Morris😅 have good trip

  16. Ibrahim M.

    It looks very fun. Pls post today as well

  17. Zahra M.

    Looking forward to seeing more photos, have fun everyone! From Yaseen’s sister

    1. Mrs Morris

      I’ll do a full blog on Friday with lots of photos.
      We’re so busy and the signal / WiFi isn’t great, not many photos will upload.

      1. Zahra M.

        Thank you

  18. Naksh P.

    Thanks for sharing the pictures. All the kids are enjoying themselves.

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