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Dino Day! Monday 13th September

To kick start our English and Science learning this half term we have organised a ‘Dinosaur theme day’ for all children!

Costume ideas
(We would like you to apply the BH value of ‘Creativity’ to design and make a costume using recycled items)

– Due on Monday

Everyone is expected to create a Dinosaur project of their choice- you can present this on large paper or as a model.
Your presentation must include:
*Timeline of the cretaceous period.
*Key Facts (Name, Date, Time period, average height and weight)
*How have they adapted to their surroundings?
*An annotated sketch of your dinosaur.

Useful websites to do your research:
Top 10 facts
Natural History Museum- Dinosaur facts
Everything you need to know about Dinosaurs

Bronze/ Mrs Morris’s group: Create an informative poster about a T-Rex.
*What is a T-Rex?
*How long ago did T-Rex roam the earth?
*Was the T-Rex a vegetarian?
*How fast was the T-Rex?

Vocabulary to include:
Mesozoic Cretaceous time period extinct carnivore herbivore fossils

Challenge: Who can find out what a ‘palaeontologists’ is?

If there are any learning activities you would like to do, please share your ideas below.

35 responses to “Dino Day! Monday 13th September”

  1. Absi P.

    1)A Dino is a animal from thousands of years ago
    2)the dinosaurs ran about for 90000 years or even longer
    3) yes because they would just of eaten leafs and some not because they would of just fight and kill
    3) a t-Rex can run for about 1 hour or less

    1. Absi P.

      For number 2 I ment 100-147

  2. Rajbir B.

    I have done it

  3. Ilyas I.

    I have finished my Dino day project and I will bring it in tomorrow.

  4. Rida W.

    I have done it and Iโ€™ll bring it on Monday

  5. Ellie T.

    Hello its ellie mum does a costume have ti be made or can project be on just paper

    1. Head Teacher

      They are wanting children to dress up. Get some leggings, same tee shirt colour and add cardboard spikes to her headbandโ€ฆeasy outfit.

  6. A Paleontologist is a person who studies fossils and life from early geologic periods.

  7. Rasan M.

    I have made 2 things for Dino day:
    A hat
    And some Dino shoes

  8. Mishal N.

    Palaeontologist is someone who looks further into prehistoric species or fossils which are mainly extinct.

  9. Timothy C.

    I have done the homework.

  10. Qasim K.

    A palaeontologists is a use of knowledge of fossils to get a better idea of how life on Earth has changed over different periods of time.

  11. Qasim K.

    I have created my dinosaur with cardboards, and paint.

    1. Mrs Ahmed

      Well done Qasim! We look forward to see you in your costume!

  12. Asilah K.

    Paleontoligist is a relashionship between extinct aniamls and there living relatives

    1. Mrs Ahmed

      Close Asilah, a palaeontologists is someone who studies fossils so we can learn about Dinosaurs and other creatures who roamed the earth before Humans.

      You can study Paleontology at university.

  13. Yousuf I.

    I will bring it on Monday

    1. Mrs Ahmed

      Well done Yousuf! Make sure you practice your presentation skills so you can share your knowledge with the class.

  14. I have done my homework and will bring it in on Monday.

  15. A palaeontologist is a person who looks for dinosaur fossils.

  16. Mohammad A.

    A palaeontologist is the study of prehistoric species.

  17. Siddra K.

    A palaeontologists is a person that studies fossils

  18. Danyaal H.

    I have done this.

  19. Elyas S.

    I have done this and will bring this in on Monday.

    1. Mrs Ahmed

      Xavier I think you forgot to finish writing the word. Please write in accurate grammar!

  20. Aayan M.

    Hello Mrs Ahmed, what time period are we doing?

    1. Mrs Ahmed

      The cretaceous time period. Some of the dinosaurs from this time period are in the ‘Jurassic Park’ films such as the T-Rex and the Velociraptors.

  21. Muhammed A.

    A palaeontologist is the study of prehistoric species mostly one that are extinct.

  22. Aamina B.

    I will complete the homework over the weekend and design my costume too.

  23. Ayomide O.

    I have done my homework

    Palauontoligist is a person that digs dinosaur bones and puts them in a museum

  24. Abdullah A.

    A palaeontologist is the study prehistoric species, mostly ones that are extinct.

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