The School is committed to providing you with the best online experience while visiting our website.
As part of this process, we use standard third party cookies to collect data about your behaviour online while you are on our site, and we also track information about the number of times our site is visited and the number of people who return to our site.
We track all information as a whole and therefore we do not collect any personal information about you as an individual.
Cookies are not computer programs and cannot contain viruses. For more information on how they work please follow this link:
How do we use cookies?
Our site does not use any invasive cookies on our site to collect your personal information. We use industry standard third party cookies to track your behaviour online and gain statistical information in the following ways:
- We track the number of visits to our website, where each visitor came from (i.e. the site visited prior to coming to our sites) and where each visitor goes to from our site (the next site visited after ours).
- We store cookies on your PC for no longer than 6 months or up until you clear them.
- If you share your computer, we advise that you select the ‘Don’t remember my details’ option when you sign into your account for your own account security.
This will remove all details from the cookie. When you visit our site, you can refuse to accept cookies by activating the setting on your browser which allows you to refuse the setting of cookies.
The effect of disabling cookies depends on which cookies you disable, but in general the website may not operate properly if cookies are switched off.
Where can you find out more information?
If you would like to find out more information about how we use and store your personal data please visit our website and download our Data Protection Policy.
Please also see websites listed below:
Department of Education
How DfE share data:
Google Analytics
What about the services use at school?
We use many different online services at school, some of which can be used from home.
Each of these services has their own cookie policy and privacy policy.
You can find them below:

Cookie Policy
Privacy Policy
Data Sharing

Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy