
1) What does Michael have to do for “English”?

Which of the crew members was allowed to be idle?

2) Which part of the sailing do you think Michael most/least enjoyed?

3) Why can Michael no longer argue with his mother?

4) Why do you think the chapter is called “Water, Water Everywhere”?

5) Is “heaving” a good word to describe the sea?

6) What are the main differences between learning at school and learning at sea?


Art task: Create an extract that we would find in Michaels ‘ship log’
(This can be a dairy, a sketch from what he might have seen, a tale from a different country he may have visited)

45 responses to “Chapter 2: Kensuke’s Kingdom”

  1. Abdullah A.

    1) What does Michael have to do for “English”?
    It was his own version of a ship log.
    2) Which part of the sailing do you think Michael least enjoyed?
    He least enjoyed the school teaching.
    3) Why can Michael no longer argue with his mother?

  2. Danyaal H.

    1) Which of the crew was allowed to die?
    The person from the crew who was allowed to die was Stella Artois. I know this because it says in the text “ Only one of the crew was allowed to be idle – Stella Artois.

    2) What does Michael have to do for “English”?
    Michael had to write in the ship’s log which was his own work for English.
    He did English on watch at night.

    3) Which part of the sailing do you think Michael most enjoyed?
    I think what Michael enjoyed the most was when he was writing on the ship’s log and star gazing.

    4) Why can Michael no longer argue with his mother?
    Michael cannot argue with his mother since she is the skipper so he cannot argue with his mother.

    5) Why do you think the chapter is called “Water, Water Everywhere”?
    I think it is called Water, Water Everywhere since they are on the seas and they are surrounding by the water.

    6) Is “heaving” a good word to describe the sea?
    Yes. Since heaving means a lot and there is a lot of water overseas and it also means crowded and surrounded which describes being on the sea.

    7) What are the main differences between learning at school and learning at sea?
    At the sea there are not really any qualified teachers that can teach you and sometimes there could be a storm so you have to help and miss your lessons.


  3. Esra S.

    1)Stella Artois was the only crew member allowed to be idle.
    He writes his own personal, private record of the voyage.
    2)Whenever he was on watch in the cockpit gazing at the stars.
    4)I think that the chapter is called water, water everywhere because they where surrounded with water from every side and they were in the middle of the sea.
    5)It means extremely crowded, so yes it is.
    6)In school he didn’t know where to begin but her he just opens the log and starts writing.

  4. Elyas S.

    1) Which of the crew was allowed to be idle?
    The person from the crew who was allowed to act like a idle was Stella Artois because most of the time he doesn’t get to bark at anything.
    2) What does Michael have to do for “English”?
    For English Michael wrote something related to the ships log.
    3) Which part of the sailing do you think Michael most/least enjoyed?
    The most thing he enjoyed about sailing was when he was star gazing.The thing he least liked about sailing was when a mountainous sea came with the screaming wind.
    4) Why can Michael no longer argue with his mother?
    Michael can’t argue with his mother anymore because they are on the Peggy sue and his mother is the skipper.
    5) Why do you think the chapter is called “Water, Water Everywhere”?
    I think it is called water water everywhere because they are on the sea.
    6) Is “heaving” a good word to describe the sea?
    Yes, because heaving means a lot of something everywhere.
    7) What are the main differences between learning at school and learning at sea?
    The difference between learning at sea and learning at school is that you dont have someone to teach you something new.Whereas at school you do have a teacher to teach you something new and that you can hangout with your friends.

  5. Muhammad S.

    1) Micheal has to make a captains log for English and write about what he
    3) Stella Aurtois was allowed to be idle
    3) I think Micheal least enjoyed his schoolwork as he always talks a negative tone when talking about schoolwork whereas he like holding the sail and helping the skipper
    4) Michael was not allowed to argue with the skipper because it was against the rules (in this case her mother was the skipper).
    5) The chapter is called “Water Water Everywhere” because all they could see was sea.
    6)Heaving means crowded and the ocean is not heaving so this means it is not a great way of describing the ocean.

  6. Mishal N.

    1) What does Michael have to do for “English”?
    He found English hard when he was writing .

    2) Which part of the sailing do you think Michael most/least enjoyed?
    I think Michael was enjoy full when he was sailing as it was an adventure for him, but at the same time I think he found it least enjoyable as he left Stella Artois .

    3) Why can Michael no longer argue with his mother?
    Michael no longer argues with his mother because she was fine and happy.

    4) Why do you think the chapter is called “Water, Water Everywhere”?
    As they were sailing – and the scenery was based on water .

    5) Is “heaving” a good word to describe the sea?
    Heaving means a crowded area and I think they added scarcism as an ocean isn’t that crowded.

    6) What are the main differences between learning at school and learning at sea? The main difference between learning at the sea is that not many supplies as we have at school!

  7. Ilyas I.

    1) What does Michael have to do for “English”?
    He has to create his own version of the ship’s log.

    2) Which of the crew members was allowed to be idle?
    Only Stella Artois could be idle.

    3) Which part of the sailing do you think Michael most/least enjoyed?
    Michael enjoyed the part of the journey when his mother started to take charge of the ship.

    4) Why can Michael no longer argue with his mother?
    His mother started to work harder and then became in charge of the ship (the ship’s “skipper”).

    5) Why do you think the chapter is called “Water, Water Everywhere”?
    Nobody on the Peggy Sue could see anything but ocean, they would rarely see land.

    6) Is “heaving” a good word to describe the sea?
    It is a good word to describe the sea as when there was a storm, the waves would be pushing around the boat.

    7) What are the main differences between learning at school and learning at sea?
    When learning at school, you will have the right facilities to help you learn however, at sea you will not receive any help and you won’t be able to concentrate much on a boat.

  8. Shabaz

    1) What does Michael have to do for “English”?
    He has to register a log about what he saw.
    2) Which part of the sailing do you think Michael most/least enjoyed?
    Having to write the longitude and latitude everyday in his log
    3) Why can Michael no longer argue with his mother?
    I think Michael can’t argue with is mother because she is the skipper of the boat so Michael has to listen to the captain(His Mom).
    4) Why do you think the chapter is called “Water, Water Everywhere”?
    I think that this chapter has lots of water or they are sailing in the ocean.
    5) Is “heaving” a good word to describe the sea?
    In my opinion, I think heaving is a good word to describe the sea.
    6) What are the main differences between learning at school and learning at sea?
    This is because at school we have paid and qualified teachers whereas at sea you either have a tutor or you are home schooled.
    7) Which of the crew members was allowed to be idle?
    The crew member which is allowed to be idle is Stella Artois.

  9. Kia J.

    1) Michael has to write a ship poem

    2) I think Micheal enjoyed taking his turn on the wheel

    3) because they are on the sea

    4) I think it is called “water water everywhere” because they have set sail and everywhere they look there they look there is water

    5) no because it’s quite empty not crowded

  10. Merab R.

    1) What does Michael have to do for “English”?
    Michael has to writ his own personal private record of the voyage.
    Which of the crew members was allowed to be idle?
    The crew members that were allowed idle were Stella Artois.
    2) Which part of the sailing do you think Michael most/least enjoyed?
    The mart that Michael most enjoys is taking his turn on the wheel.
    What Michael least enjoys is learning.
    3) Why can Michael no longer argue with his mother?
    Because she will Meade him go to school.
    4) Why do you think the chapter is called “Water, Water Everywhere”?
    Because. Ow they are in the middle of the see and there is probably no sight of land also that there is sea all around them.
    5) Is “heaving” a good word to describe the sea?
    I think the word having is in the middle becUse it’s definition is caroused but in a sens the see is surround white water.
    6) What are the main differences between learning at school and learning at sea?
    Because you have to travel to school also learning at the sea means that you can have a break whenever you want also it is much more calmer.

  11. Leyad R.

    1). He has to write about what he’s seen that day.
    2). Only the dog was allowed to be idle.
    3). He most enjoyed with his dog and least enjoyed when the boat shook.
    4). Because she is the captain.
    5). Because they’re at sea.
    6). No because it mean packed and waving water.
    7). At school you have qualified teachers.

  12. Bilawal C.

    1) What does Michael have to do for “English”?
    It was his own version of English AKA Ship logs.

    Which of the crew members was allowed to be idle?
    The cat

    2) Which part of the sailing do you think Michael most/least enjoyed?
    I think Micheal least enjoyed doing work on the boat as work really sucks.

    3) Why can Michael no longer argue with his mother?
    I do not know this question as it doesn’t say in the chapter.

    4) Why do you think the chapter is called “Water, Water Everywhere”?
    This is because he is in the boat trying to find stuff but he could only find water.

    5) Is “heaving” a good word to describe the sea?
    Yes, this is because it is a good word to describe the water.

    6) What are the main differences between learning at school and learning at sea?
    The main difference is that you can’t see your friends and you there are some resources you have in school instead of studying on the boat in the sea.

  13. Aayan S.

    1) What does Michael have to do for “English”?
    His own personal, private record of our voyage.

    2) Which part of the journey did Michael least/most enjoy?
    Watching all the animals go past.

    3) Why can Michael no longer argue with his mother?
    At least at home she had been my mother and I could argue with her, but not on the Peggy sue not anymore.

    4) Why do you think the chapter is called “Water, Water Everywhere”?
    Because they actually set sail in the deep sea.

    5) Is “heaving” a good word to describe the sea?
    Yes as it is crowded and there are lots of sea animals in the water.

    6) What are the main differences between learning at school and learning at sea?
    At school you learn actual factual stuff and in the sea you only learn about sailing stuff.

    1. Aayan S.

      AayanS and Safwan.

  14. James H.

    1) Michael has to write a ship poem
    3)favourite taking on the wheel
    4) it was a conspiracy
    5) because he was talking about water at the start of the chapter
    6) no because heaving means crowded and the sea is not crowded
    7)it is different learning at school than the sea because you have allot more things to learn about and at sea learning it is different because you are restricted to learn about maths and english and many more subjects

  15. Rahima J.

    1) What does Michael have to do for “English”?
    Michael has to make a ship log

    2) Which part of the sailing do you think Michael most/least enjoyed?
    I think he enjoyed the fact when it was his turn to turn the wheel.
    I think he disliked the fact that he always got wet no matter what he did and wore.

    3) Why can Michael no longer argue with his mother?
    Because she was the skipper now.

    4) Why do you think the chapter is called “Water, Water Everywhere”?
    Because they were in the open waters and it was full of water.

    5) Is “heaving” a good word to describe the sea?

    6) What are the main differences between learning at school and learning at sea?
    The fact that they are in a boat not in a classroom
    They don’t have lots of kids in the ‘classroom’
    He could work until night but at school your in from 8:00 to 3:15.

  16. Aayan M.

    Me and Ibrahim will do the art task.

  17. Rasan M.

    1) Which of the crew was allowed to be idle?
    Stella Artois was the only crew memeber that was allowed to be idle.

    2) What does Michael have to do for “English”?
    Michael has his own version of a ships log that is like the captains log but personal. He was encourage to write in it every few weeks.

    3) Which part of the sailing do you think Michael most/least enjoyed?
    I think he mostly enjoyed taking his turn at the wheel, in the text it also says that he loved doing it.

    4) Why can Michael no longer argue with his mother?
    He can no longer argue with his mother as they are now in the Peggy Sue and she is the skipper.

    5) Why do you think the chapter is called “Water, Water Everywhere”?
    The chapter may be called this because they have been sailing on the water for a very long time now and they have mostly only seen water everywhere.

    6) Is “heaving” a good word to describe the sea?
    Heaving can be a good word to describe the sea as it can mean things moving at a rhythmic pace, but if he meant it pulling them a lot then it would not be a good way to describe the sea as they could sink.

    7) What are the main differences between learning at school and learning at sea?
    There are no teachers and your parents are allowed to help you whenever you are stuck with something. His mother also teaches him navigation though that isn’t on the curriculum, she also taught him how to use a sextant, the compass bearings and how to plot a course on the chart.

    1. Rasan M.

      By Rasan and Rida

  18. Harris B.

    1) Which of the crew was allowed to die?
    Stella Artois.
    2) What does Michael have to do for “English”?
    His ships log.
    3) Which part of the sailing do you think Michael most/least enjoyed?
    Most when he steer.
    Least learning.
    4) Why can Michael no longer argue with his mother?
    Because he’s mother was teaching him lessons.
    5) Why do you think the chapter is called “Water, Water Everywhere”?
    Because there are water surrounding him.
    6) Is “heaving” a good word to describe the sea?
    A little bit
    7) What are the main differences between learning at school and learning at sea?School is for learning, but it is a place and learning is for doing things.

  19. Aleena M.

    1) Which of the crew was allowed to die?
    It was Stella Artois.
    2) What does Michael have to do for “English”?
    He would write in his own version of a ship log.
    3) Which part of the sailing do you think Michael most/least enjoyed?
    He most enjoyed taking his turn at the wheel.
    He least enjoyed doing schoolwork on the ship.
    4) Why can Michael no longer argue with his mother?
    Because she is the skipper.
    5) Why do you think the chapter is called “Water, Water Everywhere”?
    Because everywhere Michael looked he would see water.
    6) Is “heaving” a good word to describe the sea?
    Yes it is because when the waves splash sometimes it sounds like heaving.
    7) What are the main differences between learning at school and learning at sea?
    The main differences are that your parents teach you at sea and also the lessons are different to school.

  20. Aayan M.

    1. He was doing his own version of ships log.
    2. He least enjoyed the part was when he had to do his homework which sucks because work is really boring.The part he enjoyed was when he saw all kinds of different animals and he got to spend lots of times with his family.
    3)I don’t understand this question as in the story It doesn’t say anything about Micheal allowed to argue with his Mum.
    4)Because there in the ocean and there is literally water everywhere.
    5) It depends what sentence he puts it in. But in my opinion it is a great word to describe the ocean.
    6)You have to learn by yourself making it more difficult to understand the lesson and what you are supposed to do.

    Ibrahim and Ayaan Mattu

  21. Steven N.

    1) What does Michael have to do for “English”?
    Record his boat journey
    Which of the crew members was allowed to be idle?
    No one
    2) Which part of the sailing do you think Michael most/least enjoyed?
    3) Why can Michael no longer argue with his mother?
    His mother is his friend
    4) Why do you think the chapter is called “Water, Water Everywhere”?
    Water is everywhere, there is a flood
    5) Is “heaving” a good word to describe the sea?
    6) What are the main differences between learning at school and learning at sea?
    Learning at sea is harder with waves

  22. Ridwan U.

    1) What does Michael have to do for “English”?
    He did his own English work.

    2) Which part of the sailing do you think Michael most/least enjoyed?
    I think him hearing the Sextant was cool for him.

    3) Why can Michael no longer argue with his mother?
    Michael has gone with his dad on the boat whilst the mother stays behind.

    4) Why do you think the chapter is called “Water, Water Everywhere”?
    Because they are sailing.

    5) Is “heaving” a good word to describe the sea?
    Heaving is the definition for calm but heavy liquid.

    6) What are the main differences between learning at school and learning at sea?
    Learning at sea is harder as concentrating or teaching is hard as the teacher must focus on the boat and the student can get distracted.

  23. 1. Stella Artois was allowed to be idol
    2.He was encouraged to write in it every few weeks .
    3. I think he most enjoyed writing in his ship log .
    4. He can no longer argue with his mother because In the text it says mums the skipper .
    5. I think the chapters called water , water everywhere , because Michael says that the there are large waves and he was soaked to the skin.
    6. Heave the sea means forcing it to rise so this is not a good way to describe the sea .
    7. At school you have qualified teachers and multiple stationary equipment , but at sea you don’t have these things so that’s the difference.

  24. Siddra K.

    1) Michael would have to write down what he saw that day for example a bit of Africa.
    2)I think Michael did not enjoy when the sea was calm as there was no excitement but he did enjoy when he saw country’s.
    3)Because His mum was the skipper
    4)Because most of the time Michael only saw water
    5) No because it was only him and his parents in the sea
    6)That people don’t have to tell you things to draw in art as you can see what you need to draw which will get you a better understanding on what the thing your drawing actually looks like for example birds.

  25. Raees A.

    1) What does Michael have to do for “English”?
    He does for English was about a book.
    2) Which part of the sailing do you think Michael most/least enjoyed?
    He enjoyed sailing a boat riding a boat.
    3) Why can Michael no longer argue with his mother?
    Because someone told them to stop arguing.
    4) Why do you think the chapter is called “Water, Water Everywhere”?

    5) Is “heaving” a good word to describe the sea?

    6) What are the main differences between learning at school and learning at sea?

  26. Yousuf I.

    1) What does Michael have to do for “English”?
    Write a journal
    Which of the crew members was allowed to be idle?
    Stella Artois

    2) Which part of the sailing do you think Michael most/least enjoyed?
    Most is being in the cockpit

    3) Why can Michael no longer argue with his mother?
    Because he is on the Peggy sue

    4) Why do you think the chapter is called “Water, Water Everywhere”?
    Because there water every where

    5) Is “heaving” a good word to describe the sea?
    No because in the morning is calm

    6) What are the main differences between learning at school and learning at sea?
    Learning at school you’re taught by a teacher at sea you’re taught by you’re parents

  27. Ravi J.

    1) For Michael’s English lessons, he has to write his own version of the ship’s log.
    2) I think that Michael’s favourite activity was sailing the ship and his least favourite was when Stella would bring her smelly wetness with her everywhere.
    3) I think that Michael can’t fight with his mother anymore because there is nothing to argue about.
    4) i think it is named this because Michael is surrounded my the sea.
    5) I think that heaving is a good word to describe the sea as they are surrounding by miles of sea.
    6) The difference is that there is a different environment from a standard classroom and it is very quiet and peaceful.

  28. Marley H.

    1) he dose it in his log he doesn’t have to do it but he does it his self
    2) he least liked the wet voyage
    3) because he has to listen to his parents
    4) because one of the characters were wet and soggy

  29. Sheima B.

    1) Which of the crew was allowed to be idled?
    Their dog who also sailed with them.

    2) What does Michael have to do for “English”?
    He has to write a description of what he can see.

    3) Which part of the sailing do you think Michael most/least enjoyed?
    Doing his chores like helping his dad homework and Salic the boat.

    4) Why can Michael no longer argue with his mother?
    Because his mother is the skipper.

    5) Why do you think the chapter is called “Water, Water Everywhere”?
    Because they are in the sea and their is water everywhere.

    6) Is “heaving” a good word to describe the sea?
    I think it is because you can really describe the sea as envy thing as it always changes.

    7) What are the main differences between learning at school and learning at sea?
    At home in English he didn’t know what to write about but now he is at sea there are lots of things for him to learn about.

  30. Umar H.

    1) What does Michael have to do for “English”?
    His own version of the ships log.
    2) Which part of the sailing do you think Michael most/least enjoyed?
    Te part where he has to do school work.

    1. Umar H.

      3) Why can Michael no longer argue with his mother?
      Because there’s nothing to argue with.
      4) Why do you think the chapter is called “Water, Water Everywhere”?
      Because they are surrounded by water everywhere.
      5) Is “heaving” a good word to describe the sea?
      No because the sea is not surrounded and full.
      6) What are the main differences between learning at school and learning at sea?
      At the sea they learn about the ocean only and at school they learn about all needed subjects.

      Saira and Umar

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