Year 5 Maths Challenge Summer 2

This half term we are learning about the Ancient Greeks. The Ancient Greeks started the Olympic games in 776 BC. Can you become an Olympic mathlete and complete our challenges? We look forward to reading your answers in your homework books. Make them colourful and exciting. Bronze If the first Olympic games began in 776 […]

Y1 Reading Challenge Summer 2

Hi Year 1. This half term, in Science, we are learning about plants. Please read the information below. Bronze Pick 5 words and tell me which ‘special friends’ you can see. Special friends are two (or more) letters which make one sound like ng, th, or, ow, er.For example.In the word flower, I can see […]

Y1 Maths Challenge Summer 2

Hi Year 1,Pick a money challenge to solve. Write your answers on this blog or in your homework book.The best response will win a prize in Week 6.Good luck! BRONZE SILVER GOLD

Year 4 Reading Challenge Summer 2

Read the extract from ‘Goodnight Mister Tom’ and then complete the activities. Willie froze with the branch still held high in his hand. Sweat broke out from under his armpits and across his forehead. Now he was for it. He was bound to get a beating now. Tom came towards him, took the branch firmly […]

Year 4 Maths Challenge Summer 2

Bronze: Write the time on each analogue clock in 12-hour digital format. Example: Clock One reads 09:40. Silver: Assuming that all the times are PM, convert each one to the equivalent 24-hour format. Example: 09:40 becomes 21:40. Gold: Look at the dentist’s schedule below and answer the questions. Platinum: Answer the following reasoning question.

Entrepreneur Week 2024

What entrepreneur did you learn about this week? What activities did you do to become an entrepreneur yourself? What was your favourite part of the week?