Science week RW
Project Week in 4B
Year 6 Walk to the Community Centre 16.04.2024
Reception Stay & Play
SATS School
Reception White taste some Fruit and Vegetables.
Science Week ~Thursday ~3 Blue
Year 4 Summer 1 Week 1 Reading Challenge
Science Week in 2Blue!
Year 3-4 Dodgeball Club
Year 5-6 Rounders Club
Science Week~ Monday~ 3Blue
Year 4-5 Rugby Club
Year 4 Eid Assembly – Request for Photos
How can you help someone dance for 24 hours?
Science Week ~ Healthy Eating
Year 6 Spelling Test – Friday!
1B Stay and Play
1W Stay and Play
Music- Science Week KS 1
Year 3-4 Girls Football – Final Competition – 16 April.
Year 3&4 Saturday Club
Year 5/6 Saturday Club
3 Red’s Workout Tutorials
Protected: Application for Audition ‘Robin Hood’
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
3W Exercise videos
Year 4 Thinktank Museum Trip- Thursday 25th April
Children’s Well-being Survey
Year 5 Reading Challenge Summer 1
Here is your reading challenge for this term! Each challenge has a comprehension question and a more open-ended task. shakespeare-text Bronze Summarise what you now know about Shakespeare. Silver Create an advert to persuade people to watch one of Shakespeare’s plays. Gold Why did Shakespeare visit his home in Stratford so infrequently? Using the information, […]