Wear blue to support Coventry City FC on Sunday 21st April

Dear parents and carers, On Sunday 21st April Coventry City Football Club will be playing at Wembley Stadium in London competing in the FA Cup Sem-Finals. This is a momentous occasion for the city. With this in mind, the children are invited to wear blue on Friday to support the Sky Blues. Therefore, on Friday if […]

Science Week 2024

Did you try any fun experiments? What did you learn from them? What values were applied in your learning?

Year 5 Reading Challenge Summer 1

Here is your reading challenge for this term! Each challenge has a comprehension question and a more open-ended task. shakespeare-text Bronze Summarise what you now know about Shakespeare. Silver Create an advert to persuade people to watch one of Shakespeare’s plays. Gold Why did Shakespeare visit his home in Stratford so infrequently? Using the information, […]

Year 5 Maths Challenge Summer 1

Here is your Maths challenge for this term! Bronze Silver Gold Platinum Now make your own puzzle for someone else to solve.