Staffing Changes in 4Red
Monday Y4 Girls Football Club
Year 4 We Need Your Junk
Year 4 PE and Swimming Information
Broad Heath Staff Citizen of the Week Autumn
Children in Need
Reminder Tea & Talk Morning – Wednesday 8th Nov
Year 4 Reading Challenge Autumn 2
Hi year 4, For your reading challenge this half term, read through the following non-fiction text about Sutton Hoo and then answer the questions below. Sutton Hoo By about 600, England was divided into small Anglo-Saxon kingdoms each ruled by a king. Much of what we know about the Anglo-Saxons comes from graves like the […]
Year 4 Maths Challenge Autumn 2
Hi Year 4, This half term in topic we have been learning about the Anglo-Saxons. I was wondering if you could complete some Anglo-Saxon based maths problems? Bronze Put each kings reign in chronological order. You will need your knowledge of place value to work this out. Who came first and how do you know? […]