Mrs Diaz’s Week 1-Phonic sessions, OO, U-E, UE sound.
5Blue- Separating mixtures
Year 2 – The Great Fire of Broad Heath!
Year 3 & 4 Writing Competition
1B Diwali Day
Year 2 Autumn 2 Week 1 Homework
Y1 Number bonds to 10 song. This will help you learn your number bonds.
2 Red Traditional Tales Day
Year Six Autumn 2 Spellings
2 White – Traditional Tales day
Poetry Recital in 4 White.
Y1 Diwali Day TOMORROW
Traditional Tales in 2 Blue
Year 5 Dodgeball Tournament.
Year 5 – Mrs Khan’s Phonics group
Arty’s Broken Heart – Lesson 1
The boney skeletons
Information for Parents of Children in 3 Blue
Information for Parents of Children in 1 Red
Year 3 Maths Challenge Autumn 2
Bronze 1.Which number is the odd one out explain why? 15, 6, 3, 17 2.Which number is the odd one out and why? 24,36, 12, 10 Silver The large intestine is 150 cm long and the small intestine is 700 cm long. How long is the whole intestine? What is the difference between the length […]
Year 3 Autumn 2 Reading Challenge
We have been looking at information texts this half term. Can you complete the challenge based on this non-chronological report? Read this non-chronological text and then complete the challenges. Bronze: Give an example of a desert plant.What do all plants need to live and grow?How long can the roots of a bromeliad grow? Silver: Write […]