Class 4 Blue Blog 21-22

Capture the magic in every moment.

  • Information for Year 4

    Good afternoon parents/carers! The children have had a super week, settling in brilliantly. You should all be very proud of…

  • This is 4B

    Wow! What a lovely first week of year 4! The children have worked hard on our This is Me project…

  • Monday Year 3/4 Extra PE Club

    The following students have been selected for the Monday Year 3/4 Extra PE Club that will start from Monday 13th…

  • PE At Broad Heath 2021-22

    It’s been great this week to see all the students back in school, and I can’t wait to get started…

  • Resilience Poetry

    Today, 4 Blue wrote poems all about resilience. we were inspired by the words, themes and messages of the song…

  • **End of the day collection update**

    As you know, we are always updating and reviewing the procedures that we have in school regarding safety. From tomorrow,…

  • Year 4 – Autumn 1 Spellings

    Hello Year 4, I hope you have all enjoyed your first day back at school! Below are your spellings for…

  • This is Me Week in 4 Blue

    This week, as part of our project week ’This is Me’, 4 Blue have been learning about valuing differences and…

  • Return to School Information

    We are looking forward to welcoming all pupils back to school on Monday 6th September.     Arrival time  Home time  Collection Area  Nursery…