Broad Heath Blogs

  • Royal Albert Hall

    Choir members : Urgent IMPORTANT Please see how exciting this opportunity is for our school choir. I need your letter…

  • SPaG: Using capital letters

    In our SPaG lesson today, we looked at capital letters. Capital letters are used for people, places and names. For…

  • Y1 Parents Evening Reminder

    Hi everyone, Just a reminder to sign up for Parents Evening via your ‘My child at school’ app. Thank you…

  • World Book Day in Year 4

    Thursday 7th March is World Book Day and all children are expected to come dressed up as a character from…

  • 1R Fruit Tasting

    This week in D&T, we tasted lots of different fruits. This was to help us decide which to use in…

  • 1R Marvellous Mums

    This week, we were celebrating the amazing ladies in our lives! Our wonderful mums, nans, aunties, older sisters… we have…

  • Learning this week in 1W

    In maths, we have been busy counting in tens, making number lines and learning about place value. In computing, we…

  • 1B SMSC – To retell a religious story

    We discussed who Jesus was and listened to the story, ‘Jesus Feeds the 5000’. We were able to answer key…

  • Art in 2 Red

    This half term, we are learning about the artist Rachel Dien. Her art is inspired by nature, so we took…

  • Week 2 in 1B!

    English – The Tiger who came to tea 🐯☕️. In our English lessons we have been reading the story ‘the…

  • Reception Sp2 Wk2 Homework

    Please complete TWO homework activities each week: RB Sp2 Wk2 RR Sp2 Wk2 RW Sp2 Wk2

  • 2R Measure in metres!

    Today in Maths, we used a metre stick to find different objects outside that were either longer or shorter than…

  • 5 Blue week 2

    5 Blue have had a fantastic, busy week of learning. We have enjoyed publishing and displaying our rivers texts in…

  • Round to 1 decimal place

    Hello Mathematicians (5 Red), consolidate your learning by watching the video below and trying these questions. Round these numbers to…

  • Spring 2 Week 2

    This week we continued with our new topic of ‘People Who Help Us’ and focused on health care workers; doctors,…

  • 5 Blue – Maths Reasoning Problems

    5 Blue, please have a go at answering the below questions in your homework book. Use your reasoning skills to…

  • Wonderful water cycles in 5 Red.

    Today in Geography, 5 Red learnt about the water cycle. We learnt about the water cycles impact on river formation.…

  • Word of the week ✍️

    This weeks word is: Well done to those who participated this week! The winner for this week is… Hadiya, well…

  • 3Blue Super Spellers!

    Congratulations to all the children who have scored full marks in their Spelling Test. Well done everyone. Please remember to…

  • RW Spring2 week2

    This week for people who help us we looked at the story: The hospital dog We have had an amazing…

  • 2Blue STAR Spellers!

    Congratulations to these STAR Spellers who achieved 10 (including Abdulkafi), 9 or 8. Keep practising 2Blue, you are doing brilliantly.

  • 2Blue Sketch a Flower!

    2Blue are talented artists! This half term they will explore the work of Rachel Dein. She uses flowers and clay…

  • 1 Red SMSC – Feeding the 5000

    This week in SMSC we have been looking at bible stories, and specifically Jesus feeding the 5000. The children learnt…

  • Year 1 Computing – Algorithms

    This week we have been learning about following instructions – otherwise known as algorithms – in our lessons. Here are…

  • World Book Day In Year 5

    Thursday 7th March is World Book Day. Year 5 will be learning about The Hobbit. You are very welcome to…

  • Y1 Homework. Sp2 wk2

    Hello year 1. Below is the homework for week 2. Have a great weekend. Please remember to practise your spellings.…

  • Y2 Homework – Week 2

    Hi Y2! Please complete 2 pieces of homework. Please ensure you watch the phonics videos set for your group. Take…

  • Year 4 Spring 2 Week 2 Homework

    Hi year 4, Here is this week’s homework. Don’t forget it must be finished by Wednesday morning. Complete a minimum of two pieces and the spelling…

  • 2 Blue-Measuring in Metres

    Today the children have been around the school and learning to measure in meters . They have been comparing lengths…

  • Year 6 Homework – Spring 2 Week 2 Due 06/03/2024

    Homework books are due on Wednesday,  please pick one from the grid each week. Online homework is also due by…