Can we please remind parents that the gates close at 8.45am. Children can attend the free Breakfast Club provision, which is a great opportunity to eat and meet other children. If you are running late, please let the office know and they will let you know which gate to use. Please, please walk your child […]

Children in Need 2024

Today we managed to raise £360 for Children in Need! Thank you to all the children that brought in a donation; we hope you have had a fantastic day!

Change of Day for PE Next Week

Good Morning, Next week, year 4 will have PE on Tuesday 19th November instead of Monday 18th November. This change is for this week only! No PE kits – Monday 18th November PE kit to be worn by all children on Tuesday 19th November. Thank you, Year 4 team

Health and Safety on PE/Swim Days-Reminder

Children are expected to wear appropriate clothing for Physical Education (PE) and arrive in school ready for their lesson. This includes a school t-shirt, school jumper or fleece. The children must also wear suitable ‘bottoms’ for being active e.g. sports leggings, joggers or shorts. Parents should decide on their child’s clothing based on the time […]

Choir pick up

We’re on the way back!! We will be arriving back to Broad Heath at Hanford Close for 20:50.

Children in Need Day – Friday 15th November

Children in Need Day – Friday 15th November On Friday 15th November, Broad Heath Primary will be celebrating Children in Need day. On the day, children are invited to dress up in anything spotty! Children will be able to wear Pudsey-themed outfits (spots), or non-uniform in support of the fantastic charity. Please bring in any donation you […]

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