KS1 Phonics Homework 22.11.24

Hi Year 1, Please look for your Phonics group and watch the lesson below. Comment on the blog when you have watched the video. Mrs Watkins’ Group (Sound Blending) – Fred Game (Weather) & Word Time 1.1 https://schools.ruthmiskin.com/training/view/9ODaB8MQ/0iTou961 https://schools.ruthmiskin.com/training/view/51iUb7Us/2GNeZZcc Mrs Patel’s Group (Ditty & Red) – Word Time 1.7 https://schools.ruthmiskin.com/training/view/9HDKNIPl/dk4Lgyv9 Mrs Mattu’s Group (Green) & […]

Year 1, 2 & 3 Online Safety Parent Workshops

Technology is moving at an extraordinarily fast pace. So it can be difficult to know how to start talking to your child about what they’re doing online, who they might be speaking to or discussing the potential risks and issues. We are holding parent workshops to support you to keep your children safe online. We […]

Year 1 Request – History

Hi Y1 parents. Firstly, thank you for your continued support with our learning!Please can you complete these questions with your children (please comment your answers on the blog.) We will use these responses next week during our History lesson. As always, we really appreciate your support!

Y1 – Baby Toys – REMINDER

Dear Parents, Year 1 are continuing with their unit of Toys in the Past in History. If you still have their toys from their babyhood, please can they bring these in to show the class. If you do not, can you send in a picture of their favourite baby toy for next Monday (18th November) […]


Can we please remind parents that the gates close at 8.45am. Children can attend the free Breakfast Club provision, which is a great opportunity to eat and meet other children. If you are running late, please let the office know and they will let you know which gate to use. Please, please walk your child […]

Children in Need 2024

Today we managed to raise £360 for Children in Need! Thank you to all the children that brought in a donation; we hope you have had a fantastic day!

Y1 Well-Being Day

Hi everyone, On Thursday 14th November, it is our Well-Being Day. Please can children wear their PE kits. This means we will wear PE kit on Wednesday AND Thursday this week. Friday will be Children in Need day so the children can wear something spotty or non-uniform for a small donation to charity. Thank you! […]

Health and Safety on PE/Swim Days-Reminder

Children are expected to wear appropriate clothing for Physical Education (PE) and arrive in school ready for their lesson. This includes a school t-shirt, school jumper or fleece. The children must also wear suitable ‘bottoms’ for being active e.g. sports leggings, joggers or shorts. Parents should decide on their child’s clothing based on the time […]

Y1 Counting in 10s

Hi Year 1, Over the next few weeks, your teacher will be testing to see if you can count in tens to 120. It would be great if you could practise this at home! At school we sometimes do this by covering up the numbers the children are confident with until eventually they can recite […]

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