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Calling all Year 3 Reading Gladiators!!!

Just a reminder that we have our second session in the Library on Wednesday after school, you MUST bring your books!

Before next session please finish reading chapter 1 or read it again to recap and go onto last week’s blog to complete the home tasks.


2 responses to “Calling all Year 3 Reading Gladiators!!!”

  1. Maryum N.

    1. kevin was being blew away from the storm.

    2. Kevin eats biscuits and his faviourte biscuits are pink waffers,bourbons,and also custard cream.

    3. Max was woken up in the night he was very petrified and also anxious even max went too check and brang him inside carefully,slowly,secretly and he went to the kitchen too get 3 bourbons or custard cream and then his sister caught him and tiptoed back realizing that she wasnt their.

    1. Mrs Browning

      You have done really well to retain these details from the story, Maryam.
      Can you complete the home tasks onto today’s blog please…

      ‘Reading Gladiators Week 2’

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