
My teacher said

She is an amazing friend to everyone and always ensure our classroom is clean and tidy.

My teacher said

She is kind to everyone

My teacher said

She is a good friend and always follows the rules

Year 1

My teacher said

For showing a huge amount of bravery, courage and resilience by conquering her fear of swimming during our well being day. You show be very proud, you can achieve anything you put your mind to!

My teacher said

He is always doing the right thing. We like that he following the school rules. You also ALWAYS helps to keep the classroom tidy. They always produces good work and regularly gets 10 out of ten in his spellings!

My teacher said

He is a kind friend who helps others with their work and is always tidying the classroom.

Year 2

My teacher said

He is helpful, especially during maths and he’s funny.

My teacher said

She always works hard and gets on with things quietly and sensibly.

My teacher said

She has tried really hard to improve her handwriting and always listens carefully.

Year 3

My teacher said

He is a great BH citizen and a team player! He helped the class win the TTRS competition because of the hard work he put in.

My teacher said

He always does the right thing. He shows brilliance and never gives up. He is one of the kindest and nicest people we know.

My teacher said

She has tried really hard to improve her handwriting and always listens carefully.

Year 4

My teacher said

He always helps others and tries his hardest.

My teacher said

He always focuses, listens to everyone and is kind to others. He ignores any silliness and gets on with his work, which he always thinks carefully about.

My teacher said

She used to struggle with her maths but she persevered and has made progress.

Year 5

My teacher said

The school councillors said that he shows tenacity, Resilience and pushes himself in all he does. And he likes to help others.

My teacher said

He always doing the right thing. He is kind and fun to be around. He is a good role model/friend and helps people if they are upset.

My teacher said

She is always good and has a great attitude to learning. She shows resilience and is kind to everyone.

Year 6

My teacher said

Even though he is a new member of the school he has shown resilience in sports. He represented BH and came first in a rowing competition. We are very proud of him.

My teacher said

He has been very helpful in maths, He has changed a lot for the better, He has developed the right attitude to learning.

My teacher said

His manners and showing a positive attitude towards other children in the class, where he invited another child to play Kahoot with him, who was not in a group.

39 responses to “Broad Heath Termly – Spring 1 2022”

  1. Tahiyan C.

    Congratulations everyone you tried hard.

  2. Azaan H.

    Well done.

  3. Sumayyah A.

    Well done and well done to myself

  4. Muhammad B.

    Well done everyone keep on trying hard.

  5. Xlexben F.

    well done everyone.

  6. Zaeem S.

    Well done everyone you all were good citizens of our school keep it up and show everyone what team we all are when we are together well done.

  7. Hammad A.

    Well done everyone.

  8. Ayaan M.

    Well done guys

  9. Safah D.


  10. Zahra D.

    Well done everyone!

  11. Amina I.

    well done 👍 everyone

  12. Shayan S.

    Well done Naksh

  13. Ibrahim M.

    Well done to everyone

  14. Sania K.

    Well done everyone and Minaal . It’s okay if you did not get chosen just try your best teachers are always looking .

  15. Head Teacher

    Well done to all these superstars and keep up the great work.

  16. Zainab A.


  17. Mehar R.

    Well Done

  18. Sadeen S.

    Well done to everyone!

  19. Alima S.

    Great so far.

  20. Myiesha S.

    Well done everyone

  21. Zakariah D.

    Congratulations everyone I know you all deserved this.e

  22. Maryam G.

    Well Done

  23. Lillie S.

    Congratulations everyone you deserve it!

  24. Safa M.

    Well done everyone who won !

  25. Aisha R.

    Well done everyone 👍🏻

  26. Safiyah P.

    Well done everyone.

  27. Delilah R.

    Well done you guys you deserved it !

  28. Ramandeep K.

    Well done

  29. Arafath A.

    Congratulations, everyone!
    Arafath, Mosaver and Nihit.

  30. Amirah T.

    Well done Keaton!

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