Talent Show Highlights

You have spoken, and your winner for EY/KS1 is…

The crazy break dancers from 1W!

103 responses to “Broad Heath Talent Show EYFS & KS1 2020”

  1. Riqbah Z.

    I really like the classes two blue and reception white. They are both so lovely. I like to watch them and they were fantastic. Everyone’s else was also very nice

  2. Mrs Khaliq

    3 Blue were so impressed with the range of talent in EYFS and KS1. Well done everyone!!

  3. Rayyan H.

    I liked 1 white because that boy has done a backflip

  4. Lawy A.

    I voted 1 white because it was very good.Good job everyone.

  5. Fatima G.

    I enjoyed watching 2 red and also 1white as they are the best and most talented acts I seen

  6. Zoe E.

    I liked 2 white

  7. Lexi S.

    I liked one red because of there great acts and acting! Although I think everybody did well! Well done

  8. Lillie S.

    One white was amazing I also voted!

  9. Abdulhamid A.

    All of them were amazing🤩. My favourite was 1 white

  10. Callum D.

    1 White Was Amazing 😉 Good Job To Everyone 😁

  11. Sabirin D.

    I liked 1 white and 2 red
    Well done everyone

  12. Youssif G.

    Generally, I loved all of the performing acts. Reception was very nice to watch and I thought year 1 and 2 did a great job too. They all did a great job

  13. Aiva G.

    We like the breakdancers in one white because it was really good and they are sure passionate about their talent – aiva

    I liked the breakdancers in one white because the were not scared and I was amazed to see year one children doing such a thing- aman

    We also liked everybody else’s because they were fun and energetic. Everyone deserves to win!!!

  14. Yumna M.

    I loved 1 white as they were very good and really enjoyed their moves. I also enjoyed his backflip and their talent. They were really good.

    I also enjoyed 2 white as they had really good skills and the dances in the back were really good aswell.

    1. Yumna M.

      From Yumna and Ikram

  15. Samantha N.

    I liked all of them because they all tried really hard. So Good Job 👍🏻.

  16. Umaiyyah A.

    Our favourite one was One white and two red because they tried extremely hard doing all those acts.I also have some thoughts about other classes trying their best but maybe they could improve their acts but overall it was FANTASTIC.

  17. Mohammed I.

    My favourite performance was 1 white because the kid did a backflip and the girl did some acrobatics!

  18. Marvin A.

    Wow! One white was really good

    1. Marvin A.

      Other classes were good but my vote would’ve been one white.
      Sorry Falikou posted it by accident.

  19. Saskia S.

    I’m not voting, but I liked the class reception white because of her good communication skills ! Everybody did. A great job!

  20. Jackson Chloe

    One white was AMAZING such amazing moves!!!! Good job to all of you, well done!!!! 👌👌👌👌👍👍👍👍

  21. Eduard M.

    I loved 1 white, that guy was doing backflip

  22. Armaan R.

    I enjoyed all of them . My favourite act was 1 white .

  23. Aamir K.

    One white was my favourite because I liked the backflip and the break dancing.

  24. Elyas A.

    I finished the suimt

  25. Yusra M.

    Our favourite acts were Reception White and 1 White!

    1. Yusra M.

      We also loved the combination of acts from 2 Red ✨

  26. Zahraa Y.

    You all did ever well

  27. Saskia S.

    We are not voting , but we like 1 white because of the cool backflips and how the boy and girl worked as a team !

    -Saskia and lexi

  28. Keisha N.

    Reception – very cute amazing job.
    Year 1 – very active this was great to watch.
    Year 2 – cool act.
    This was a very good to watch you all tried very hard.

  29. Imran Namdar

    I loved one white because their dancing and backflips were very good

    1. Surinder J.

      I loved all the acts but the one I most liked is 2B.

  30. Mrs Penavega

    We thought that Reception were superb, but the children really loved the super hero songs from Reception Red

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